•|Chapter 25|•

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Your P.O.V
"Okay number 27? Careful, it's hot!" I steadily maneuvered the hot coffee into the customers hands.

The lady thanked me and went on her way. When I had no one else to wait on, I slumped against the counter, my head tiredly falling into my hands. The day was only halfway over and I already wanted to go home. My mind started trailing off to different thoughts. Spencer popped up in my head and I dwelled on our memories. I wasn't going to lie, there were times I missed him like crazy. Times when I wish I would've just picked up the phone and dialed his number to explain. But why try to explain? He was stubborn and what he saw-he wasn't going to forget, let alone let me explain. My bottom lip fell as I sat by the counter pouting. A couple walked in the doors laughing and holding hands. I smiled and stood up straight, ready to fetch whatever they ordered.

"Vanilla latte. Please." The woman stated

"Do you want that iced?" I asked


I switched my attention to the man, but he shook his head. "I'm good actually, thanks."

"I'll have that right out then." I said pleasantly.

The day seemed to drag on forever until finally the clock chimed 8:00 pm. Closing time. I slipped out of my apron and hung it in the back next to the others. The cafe keys jingled in my hand as I slipped out the back door, locking it behind me. It wasn't a far distance from the café to the apartment so I started on my journey home. I kept to myself and stayed out of peoples way just to be safe. After my 15 minute walk I reached my door and stuck my key inside the lock. The door swung open to reveal the same place I left this morning. Shocker. I smiled to myself as I stepped inside the door, pulling it shut behind me. Almost immediately I dropped everything on the ground and jumped onto the couch.

"Long day?"

Just as soon as I had flopped down I shot back up, startled by Mark's sudden appearance.

"Holy hell you scared me." I chuckled

"Oops. Didn't mean too."

"I know you didn't." I smiled up at him kindly. "And yes, today was a long day."

I threw my head back into the couch once more and breathed deeply.

"Are you hungry?" Mark asked, his voice traveling to the kitchen.

"Surprisingly, no." I hadn't eaten since 7:00 this morning but somehow I wasn't hungry in the slightest.

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

I started absentmindedly flipping through the channels on the TV that had been installed today.

"I am so tired." I mumbled through a yawn.

"Aw c'mon it's only 8:30." Mark teased.

"Yeah working all day can really drain ya."

"It sure can." He agreed, finding a spot next to me on the couch.

I gave him control of the remote as I sat back and rested my eyes.

The warmth of the sun coming from the back door woke me. I squinted and thought back to when I fell asleep. That's when I realized I was moving. It was a very slight movement, but I was moving none the less. My back was very warm and my hips were tucked into the cushion of the couch. After putting two and two together, my brain was awake enough to figure out that I was laying against Mark's chest. I slowly peeled myself away from his body and stood to stretch. I was still sporting my black work slacks and white tee from last night. My hair was a mess to say the least. It was sticking this way and that, a few of the pieces falling in front of my face. I pulled both hands through the raggedy mess and started towards my bedroom.

I quickly jumped into the shower to clean up. Since I didn't know exactly what I was doing today, once I got out I threw on my favorite white romper. It was loose fitting, and draped down my back in a 'X' pattern. After I was done with that, I pulled a comb through my wet hair and let it air dry as I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Mark was still in the same place then when I left him. His arm hung on the back of the couch along with his head, and one leg was propped on the couch yet the other was halfway off, leaving his foot suspended in mid air. I tucked a wet lock of hair behind my ear and continued to pour my self a bowl of cereal. My mind mulled over the possibilities of what I could do today. I was really stuck in the idea of going to the beach when I finished my cereal and placed my bowl in the dishwasher.

Mark's P.O.V

I woke from a deep sleep to find myself sprawled out in the couch. I glanced down when I remembered (y/n) falling asleep on my chest.

"Good morning." came a voice that I knew all to well.

I swiveled my head around and my body followed so that I was sitting upright on the couch.

"Good morning." I replied with a smile, whilst groggily rubbing at my eyes.

"How'd you sleep?"

My mind played back to my nights sleep, being fulfilled with the presence of (y/n) on my chest.

"Really well actually." I slipped my glasses off and rubbed the smudges off them before returning them back to the bridge of my nose.

"That's good."

I squinted towards the noise and found myself staring up at (y/n).

"Today's my day off." She said happily

"Oh yeah, it is. Was there something you wanted to do?" I asked

"Well I was thinking the beach."

"The beach it is. I'll be ready in 10." I mumbled and stood, slowly making my way back to my bedroom.

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