•|Chapter 33|•

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"You know you really ought to stay out of here you know? It's not good for you."

I slowly opened my eyes to see a blinding whiteness. It took my eyes a second but after I realized that the voice was coming from Abel.

"What are you doing here?- What am I doing here?" My voice came out as nothing but a dry whisper.

Abel quickly grabbed the hospital water jug and filtered the straw into my mouth. The cold fluid filled my throat allowing me to talk again.

"Well I'm not entirely sure why you're here, but I'm here because I found you out cold on your living room floor."

"How'd you get into my house?"

"Well after your text and the whole "I'm not doing too hot" situation I heard a loud thud, so I came to investigate and when you didn't answer the door I got worried. I asked the front desk for a key and found you."

I gently rubbed at my temples trying to figure out what caused me to black out like that. It may have only been a minute or two before the doctor walked in.

"Don't really like seeing you here a week later kiddo. Especially in the state he found you in."

"What happened?"

"Oh you don't remember? Does taking one to many pain meds and alcohol jog your memory?"

shit. I totally forgot I had even taken the pills. and one too many? I only took two? right?

"We pumped your stomach. We were just waiting until you woke up. It was a close call. Be careful next time, okay?"

I nodded my head as the doctor worked on taking out my IV.

Shortly after, I found myself sitting on the edge of the hospital bed with my head in my hands. My phone started going crazy, buzzing and playing the familiar tune. Mark's face popped up on the screen so I eagerly answered the call.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

"Hey Mark."

"Don't 'hey Mark' me! I was gone for what? 4 hours and this happens? I was barely off my plane!"

"I-I'm sorry."

He took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah Mark I'm fine."

"Thank God! You had me a nervous fucking wreck!"

"I'm sorry."

"Ugh you're killing me. I didn't want to leave in the first place and this happens."

"It wasn't on purpose."

"Whatever. I have to go. Call ya in a bit."

"Goodbye Mark."


"Need a lift home?"

I raised my head and became face to face with Abel.

"uh sure." I anxiously rubbed at my arm where the IV was placed and stood up. Before I knew it I was rushing into Abels arms slinging my one good arm around his neck.

"Thank you."

He seemed taken aback by my words and actions, slowly lifting his hand and rubbing my back.

Until I Met You (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now