•|Chapter 22|•

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Your P.O.V still

"Did you get a girl pregnant?" I asked, obviously not making the connection.

He snapped his head at me and locked his eyes with mine.

"No." He growled

I threw my hands up in a means of surrendering. "Just wondering."

"I haven't even talked to another girl since that night."

"Mark. It's been two months and you haven't talked to a single female? Don't bullshit me."

He slammed his fist on the counter. "If you're trying to piss me off, stop!" He snarled.

I gently laid my hand on top of his tight fist. "Honestly, I'm not. This is all you."

His face seemed to relax at my subtle touch. I thought he was content, ready to tell me what was going on, until I saw a small drop hit the counter. First one, then two, then a small puddle accumulating on the stone surface. He was breaking down. I had never seen him in this state, and it worried me. Every bone wanted me to hate him with all I had. My brain kept reminding of the day I left, but no matter who, I never wanted to see someone this low.

"Hey. Hold on." I softly spoke, removing my hand from his trembling fist and placing it on his back.

"Darcy?" I called out to my boss.

"Yes dear?"

"Is it okay if I take the rest of the day off? I'll close tomorrow to make up for it." I asked walking over to meet her face-to-face.

"If that's what you want to do."

I glanced back at Mark who was practically heaving at the counter. My heart split seeing him so torn apart.

"It is."

She nodded as I hung my apron in the back and came out to comfort Mark.

"Mark... Mark. Let's go." I gently nudged his shoulder and pulled at his hand. "Let's go talk about this somewhere else." I whispered

He turned in his chair and met his gaze with mine. I swear my heart shattered into a million tiny little pieces when I saw how distraught he really was. His eyes were puffy and red, along with his tear stained cheeks and trembling bottom lip. All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around him and tell him that it was going to be okay- whatever it was. He left his coffee at the table as I led him out into the bustling city.

I firmly shut the door and locked it behind me. Mark was already on the couch, his head in his hands. I let him sit for a second as I went to the kitchen to start up some things for tea. While I was waiting for the water to boil, I walked out the the living room and sat next to him on the couch.

"Alright. Let's hear it." I said, softly rubbing my hand gently up and down his back.

He tried to suck in a deep breath, but it got caught in his throat causing him to hiccup. I knelt down in front of him so I could see his head in his hands. I used my thumb to wipe away a few tears that lingered on his cheeks.

"Crying helps get the sad out." I smiled

He opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at me, pulling his face from his hands. It had been enough time for the water to boil, so I went back in the kitchen and finished fixing up the tea. I came back out, careful not to spill the hot liquid on my hands.

"It's really hot." I warned, setting his cup on the coffee table.

"Thank you." He croaked

"Do you feel up for talking, or crying? I mean either way I'm here to support. No judging going on here." I said sweetly, which surprised me as my words were contradicting everything I thought.

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