•|Chapter 24|•

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Your P.O.V
I pulled my comforter off my bed and snuggled onto the couch with (favorite book) while I waited for Mark to return. It was nice knowing I would have another person around, it made me feel safer. I really did want to give Mark that second chance to make it up to me. And I may have just made it a ton easier for him. I wanted things to work out between us, because the pain I felt the day I left is something I never want to feel again.

I must've got immersed in my book, because when Mark knocked on the door I barely heard it. I pulled myself from the couch with a quick swish from my comforter and went to open the door. Just as I expected, he stood at the door with his suitcase in one hand a goofy smile spread across his face. I silently motioned for him to come in and settle himself in the back room. He brushed past me on his way back.

"So what's on the agenda?" He called out.

"Relaxing, I got a long day of work tomorrow."

"Thanks for doing that, all of this, everything." He came into the living room and motioned with his hands at the apartment.

"Ah it's nothing." I smiled and jumped back into my big pile of a blanket.

"No TV?" Mark asked as he placed himself next to me.

"IKEA people are coming to install it tomorrow I think."

"Oh. Whatcha reading?" He asked

"(Fave book)." I replied

"Is it any good?" He said as he leaned over to take a peek at the page I was reading.

"Yeah it's really good."

"You don't mind if I make a video real quick, do you?"

"Not at all!" I smiled and returned to the book.


Mark's P.O.V

I stationed my camera in the corner of the bedroom and pointed it towards the bed. I quickly pressed record and hopped up onto the bed.

"Hello everyone my name is Markiplier and welcome to... a vlog? Yeah! So I've been gone for a day or two, but you probably haven't even noticed." I said with a sly smirk. "I'm just good like that."
"Anyways, I'm back in L.A.! I'm just here to visit, I think. I'm actually not entirely sure how long I'll be staying in LA, but I'm here!"

I continued to ramble on about many different things like live streams, hitting 9 million, etc. After about 10 minutes of straight rambling I stopped the recording and pulled up my laptop. I was scrolling through Twitter when (y/n) lightly tapped on my door.

"Come in, it is your house." I chuckled

"But it's your room." She smiled and stepped into the room.

Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun and she had on a tight tank top that was wrinkled up over her belly button. She also had in a pair of small pajama shorts that hugged her hips nicely. She didn't have any makeup on, yet she still looked stunning.

"... Did you hear me?"

"Huh? No sorry, I..." I trailed off, switching my gaze to my laptop.

"I'm going to bed. Work tomorrow. I probably won't see you until dinner time since I'm working late. I don't have work the day after that though, maybe we could do something?" She repeated

"Yeah sure!"

"You can do whatever you'd like just don't trash the place or burn it down while I'm gone. Goodnight Mark." She joked and pulled the door shut behind her.

"Goodnight." I whispered to myself with a smile.

I was busy answering comments on both YouTube and Twitter when I noticed it was 3 in the morning. I sighed and pulled myself from my seat, stretching my tired limbs before heading down the hall to the bathroom. After I finished up I made my way back down the hallway. I couldn't help but rest my head on (y/n)'s door to listen to her subtle breathing. Without thinking I gently pushed the door open and stepped into her room.

What the hell Mark? This is creepy. Get out of her room. Thoughts buzzed around my head telling me to leave but I felt the need to stay. She was sprawled out in the middle of the bed on her stomach, her head facing the opposite wall. I watched as her back slightly rose and fell with each breath she took. Her hair was sloppily framed around her face, her bun had completely fallen out causing her locks to lay gently on her pillow. Her hands were placed out in front of her torso. My mind wandered to the thought of her fingers entwined with mine. If she wakes up you're dead meat. Get out of her room, weirdo. I quietly tiptoed to the door and let myself out, finding my way back to the guest room.
I woke up the next morning to the sun shining directly across my pillow through the open window. I grumbled and rolled over in the bed, covering my face with the pillow. It was only about a minute or two when I finally decided to get out of bed and eat some breakfast. When I walked into the kitchen I saw a handwritten note sitting on the counter.

Feel free to make and eat anything. Coffee is in the cabinet to the right of the fridge.

I grazed my thumb against him her name signed neatly at the bottom. For some strange reason, I found myself foolishly smiling at the note. I couldn't help but picture her saying those words, her smile radiating from her face. And In that moment I fell in love with her handwriting. The way she swooped the tails of her G's, and how her S's curved more at the top than at the bottom. In my mind I could see her leaning over the counter with a pen in her hand quickly scribbling these words onto the paper. I shoved the note into my pocket and started a pot of coffee.

The aroma of fresh coffee filled the house as I waited for it to finish. I popped some bread in the toaster while I waited. What was I going to do today? Make more videos? Should I actually go somewhere? I internally laughed at my last thought, slowly bringing the finished cup of coffee to my lips. I could barely take a sip because of the grin plastered on my face. Go outside. Good one.

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