•|Chapter 32|•

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I sat at the kitchen table with (y/n) to my left, helping her fill out countless papers and bills from the hospital. I could tell she was getting sleepy even though I was doing all the writing. She was making all of the decisions.

"I'm stressed out Mark." she breathed after examining another hospital bill.

I finished what I was scribbling and leaned into her, enveloping her in a tight hug.

"I'll help you get through this."

"Yeah but I'm having to pay a boat load of money when I'm a waitress at a cafe."

"Then let me take care of a bill or two." I offered

"No. No way."


"No Mark."

I put my hands up in a means of surrendering and let the pen drop from my hand. "Ok, ok. Lets take a break. How ya feeling? Need more pain meds?"

I searched her eyes as her eyes searched the table cluttered with papers.

"I just took some about an hour ago. I feel ok."

"How about you get in some comfy clothes and I'll warm up some apple cider?"

It was right on the verge of fall. It was still technically summer in which the days were still warm and sunny, but the night temperatures were starting to drop. Not by much obviously here in California, noticeable none the less.

I had already began to make the cider, yet (y/n) didn't move from her position.

"You alright? What's up?" I asked, stopping to peer at her from over the counter.

Her face flushed a light shade of pink as she slowly started to rise from her chair.

"I- I uh need a little help. Getting dressed."

I chuckled lightly and shook my head.

"Right. I'll be right there just let me finish this up."

She nodded and headed in the direction of her bedroom. I quickly finished warming the cider before shuffling back to her bedroom. When I opened the door, I saw her struggling to take off her shirt, wincing in pain during the process. I jogged over to her side and lifted the bottom of her shirt up over her head.

"I got it. Let me get it." I assured

"Ugh I feel so helpless."

"I don't mind." I smiled and winked at her before placing her head through the hole of her new shirt.

She laughed and glanced down at her pants.

"You know I'm gonna have to get used to doing things one handed sooner or later."

"Yeah ok. I understand."

"That's means you can go." she giggled

"Well what if you need help?"

"Fine. Turn around then."

"Can do." I pivoted my feet so that they faced the opposite wall.

I heard shuffling and a few grunts before she tapped on my shoulder, indicating she was finished.

"Well look at you doing things all by yourself. I'm impressed." I smirked and swung my arm around her shoulders.

"Let's go get some cider."


Your P.O.V

The extra week he stayed flew past in the blink of an eye. I had gotten myself back into work. One-handed of course. And I was regularly seeing my physical therapist.

Here we were standing in the busy loading area of terminal B23. The worn down carpet of the airport mocked me. Along with the bustling people, constantly reminding me that Mark was going home.

"You sure you'll be okay without me?"

I nodded solemnly to myself before switching my attitude to reassure him. I plastered a smile into my face and brought my one good arm up for a hug. He bent down a bit to envelope me in the one of the saddest hugs I've ever received. I'm not saying it was bad. I was going to miss him, that's all.

"You'll be back for thanksgiving? Right?"
he asked once we split from the hug.


"I'll see you then." and with a nod he turned and walked away.

I watched as he went. The ways his legs moved and the way his arms slightly flexed as he pulled his carry-on. His hair was in a desperate need of a haircut, but to hide that it was shoved inside a baseball cap. I hate to admit it, but he looked pretty damn good in a baseball cap. I saved myself the trouble of missing him and turned around, finding it hard to move my feet forward. A stranger walking by accidentally nudged me, but I didn't move. I couldn't. I wanted to yell his name- tell him he couldn't get onto that plane- tell him I was done waiting. I told myself I wouldn't do this, but only after a few short days I wanted him back. He had this affect on me. After about 5 minutes of standing I had to mentally force myself out of the airport. It was a quick taxi back to the apartment.

The pain in my shoulder started to bother me again so I took a couple of the pain meds. The doctor said if it got bad I could take two. So that's what I did. I shut everything out and curled up under the covers of my bed, simply thinking things. I wondered if the hospital ever called my mother. I'm guessing not, because if they did she would of been there. A loud buzz from my phone interrupted my thoughts.

Hey how you doing?
sent 10:06pm

I clicked my screen off before throwing the phone to someplace unknown in my sea of covers. I sulked my way into the kitchen and poured a small glass of a vodka mixture. Drinking would fill the loneliness. Right?

*bzz bzz*

I walked back to my room and pulled my phone from the comforter.

I know you're home. I can hear you up there. Mind if I come up?
sent 10:10pm

Now's not really a great time...
sent 10:11pm

you alright?
sent 10:11pm

more or less
sent 10:12pm

wanna talk about it?
                     sent 10:12pm

not really.
sent 10:12pm

ok. call me if you need anything.
                     sent 10:14pm

It was around this time when my vision started to get blurry, and for some reason I lost my grip on my phone. Then I lost my grip on the world, falling to the ground surrounded in darkness.

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