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I'm so excited for today. I'm finally meeting Chris's mother. I hope she's nice. I also hope she likes me. I heard that she loves Mya. I put on my yellow striped shirt with black jeans. I had gained so much weight.

Chris comes running downstairs. He stops and stares at me. I laugh at his facial expression.

"What's so funny?" He ask.

"Your face." I continue to laugh. That's one thing about me and Chris we can't stay mad at each other. I know once Mya calms down she'll take him back but I expect that.

"How do I look? I wanted to go casual because I didn't want to over do it."

"You look beautiful baby even pregnant." He walks towards me. Now do y'all see why I love this man?

He leans to try to kiss me. I lean up meeting him half way. He plants soft kisses against my lips. He brushes his tongue against my lips asking for entrance but I pull back.

"What's wrong?" He ask confused.

"We need to go. It's 11:45." I slowly walk around him and upstairs. I missed his kisses. I miss him. I want to be with him but I don't want to get hurt again.

I grabbed my purse and we left. The ride there was silent. I know it's awkward now since we kissed. It was more him than me. I want to be with Chris but he has to come at me right if y'all ladies know what I mean.

"We're here." Chris says breaking me out of my trance. He walks around to my side opening the door. He helps me out the truck. We make our way to the front door. Chris uses his key and opens the door. The house is beautiful and huge.

"Chris that you?" I'm guessing that's his mom.

"Yeah momma, it's me." He says.

She walks out the kitchen wiping her hands in a towel. She smiles when she sees me.

"Hi I'm Joyce but you can call me Momma J." She says shaking my hand.

"Hi Momma J, I'm Jaden. Nice to meet you." I say smiling.

"We'll come on. I cooked y'all a nice lunch. Y'all look hungry." She says. We follow her to the kitchen. I could feel Chris staring at me.


I over heard Chris telling Jaden that he was taking her to meet Momma J. At first it pissed me off but Chris and I aren't together. So he's free to do whatever he wants. I arrive at August house. Apparently he had something important to talk to me about. After I knock he let's me in.

"Hey Boi!" I say entering his house. That's what I call him and I call Trey Trigga.

"What's up baybeh." He says.

"What's goes on? What's so important?"

"Trey got in a car accident. They said it wasn't bad. I went to see him yesterday but he told the nurse he didn't want to see me."

"Woah! I had no idea. We need to go check on him." I say getting up.

"Calm down, you shouldn't be stressed. We?"

"Yes we and I'm fine." I walk out the door. He just stands there. I guess he didn't hear me.

"LET'S GO! NOW!" I scream. He hurries behind me. We drive to the hospital.

"I told you he doesn't want to see me." August says breaking the silence.

"And I told you y'all need to work this out. Look I love y'all both. I want us to be a team again."

"He'll never forgive me."

"Well August you slept with his girlfriend multiple times. He has every right to be pissed. I know he misses y'all being friends. Believe it or not Jaden and I are cool."

"That's y'all, If you wouldn't have been there that night Trey and I would have been fighting. I really do love Tasha though. She's good to me."

"You don't worry about her stepping out on you?" I ask.

"Nope, I trust her 100%. She's not a hoe just because of one mistake."

"I just really hope Trey is ok. I don't know what I'd do without him."

"Do you like him?" He ask. I just look at him.

"No, Trey's my friend just like you. I love y'all. We grew up together. Y'all like brothers and I'm y'all's younger sister."

"Mya come on, who you think you talking too? I know you. If you don't like him he defiantly likes you." My head jerks in his direction. He continues driving ignoring my stare.

"He likes me?"

"Yeah duh everyone knew that." I blush.

"See your blushing, that proves it. Y'all like each other. Y'all should hook up." He smiles.

"I don't know."

"Why not Chris and you ain't together. Tasha and him ain't together. I see the way he looks at you. He's in love with you."

"How do you know?"

"That's the reason he wouldn't propose to Tasha. He told her he has feelings for someone else. That's what led her to me."

"Why didn't you tell me this?"

"I thought you would have been figured it out. It's obvious he loves you." He chuckles.

"Wow, now it makes since why he tried to kiss me."

"He tried to kiss you? When?"

"When I found out Chris was cheating. I was staying at Trey's. He tried to kiss me. I didn't kiss him because it just wasn't right."

"Is it right now?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll find out when we get there."


We're still at my moms house and her and Jaden have not stopped talking. I'm glad my mom likes her. I can tell, my mom don't fake or pretend she keeps it 100 always. Jaden's just being her self.

"Jaden who does your hair? It's gorgeous!" My mom says.

"My sister Tasha." She says. Ugh that thot. I can't stand her. Why? Because she came between bros. That's something you don't do.

"Well I'll let y'all get in with y'all day. It's been two hours." Mom says.

"Yeah we got plenty to do momma." I lie.

"Boy hush." She says.

"Jaden it was really nice meeting you again. I see now why my son is crazy for you." She says hugging Jaden.

"Welcome to the family sweetheart. Take care of my grand baby." She says.

"Thank you momma J." Jaden says.

"Chris tell Mya I said hey also. You better take care of my grand babies. They'd be my first." Mom says.

"Ok momma love you." I hug her then Jaden and I leave. She tries to open the door to my truck but I stop her. I grab her in my arms and kiss her. She kisses me back this time.

"Come on I have a surprise for you." I say pulling away.

"Ok." She giggles.

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