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I'm still fucked up about that whole Tasha situation. I still want her back but I can't show no mercy. She's the wrong one this time. How dare she ask me to stop being friends with Mya.

I had talked to Mya several times since then. Her and Trey are doing well. I haven't talked to her as of recently. I need to call my girl. Someone knocks on the door.

"Who is that?!" I say.

"It's me babe."

"Tasha is that you?!"

"Yeah can I come in?"

I go to the door and open it. She looked sexy as fuck right now. She got her hair cut, gained a little weight which looked good on her, and apparently went shopping with my debit card. Yeah I got the e-mails.

"What you want?" I ask letting her in.

"I'm sorry alright. I shouldn't have asked you to give up on the only real friend you have left. I'm sorry babe please forgive me."

"I don't know Tasha. How I know you won't do no more stupid shit like that again?"

"I won't baby, I promise. I love you August and what we have is good. Let's not let that goes because of a stupid argument."

I look away. I want to be with her. I love this girl. She's my everything. She walks towards me and wraps her arms around my neck hugging me. I wrap my arms around her hugging her back. I pull away and whip the tears from her eyes.

"I love you too baby." She leans to kiss me. I kiss her back rubbing her ass. I pull away leading her back to the bedroom. Let's be real when you make up you gotta do it right. She pushes me on the bed and climbs on top of me. She rips my shirts open like a animal. She puts on my song "kissing on my tattoos."She starts doing what the song says.

She kisses until she reaches my pants buckle. She pulls my pants down then instantly takes all of me in her mouth. This is why I love this girl. She's an animal. I cum finally and she swallows all of me. I have to do this now. I know some people may think this is a bad time to be something like this but I have to. She was just about to suck my dick again when I stopped her.

"Baby what's wrong?" She ask me confused.

"I know we haven't been together that long but I feel like there's this really strong connection. I know I luv ya ass to death. I couldn't see myself married to any other woman. A nigga wanna be with chu. So will you marry me?"

"Of course I will Auggie!" She squeals. She jumps on top of me hugging me.

"I love you girl." I say kissing her.

"I love you too Auggie. Now take care of mama." She bits her lip.


I walk in the bathroom to see Jaden on the floor with blood everywhere.  I run
towards her.

"Baby what's wrong?!" I ask. I will admit I'm scared. These would be my first children.

"Chris I think something's wrong. Please go get help!" She says panting.

"Alright babe stay calm." I walk out to see Mya in tremendous amounts if pain. I could tell in her face.

"Mya are you alright?" I ask.

"No, the baby's coming now Chris!" She screams. Trey was holding her for support. Just then the ambulance arrives. I guess the manger called them or something. The put Mya in it with Trey behind her.

"I'll be there as soon as possible Mya. Don't have our baby girl without me."

"Ok, I love you Chris." She says panting. Trey instantly gives her a weird look. I smile.

"Love you too. I'll be there." The close the doors then leaves. Another one shows up for Jaden. I walk back in the bathroom. She was still on the floor sitting in blood.

"Babe the ambulance is here. Let me carry you ." I reach for her.

"No Chris you'll get blood all over you white suit."

"As much money as we got I can buy 1 billion white suits now come on." I chuckle.

"Chris I'm scared." She cries.

"I know baby me too. We'll get through this together." I kiss her forehead. Once we reach the front of the restaurant. I get in the ambulance with her. I grab her hand. She smiles at me. I love this woman so much.

Once we arrive I walk to the room with her as they rush her into her room. They start getting a lot if equipment. I'm confused what's going on?

"Excuse me but what's going on?" I ask.

"The cord is wrapped around the baby's neck so we'll have to give her a C-Section." The doctor says.

"Ok I'll be outside the door." I walk out and walk down to Mya's room. Trey texted me the room number.

"No I'm not having this baby without Chris!" I hear Mya yell.

"Ma'am you have to start pushing." The doctor says.

I walk in. I rush to her side grabbing her hand.

"I'll be outside." Trey says scratching the back of my head.

"No Trey I want you to stay." Mya says grabbing his hand. I kind of didn't want him in here because this is my baby girl not his. He knows his place at least.

"No I'll be outside the door." He smirks leaving.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Yep let's do this." She starts pushing. After about 7 pushes she comes out. The clean her and stuff then they hand her to me. To me she looked just like me.

"What do you want to name her?" I ask rocking her.

"Can I hold my baby Chris?" She ask sarcastically. I chuckle handing her our baby girl.

"So how's Jaden doing? Trey told me she went into labor the same time I did." Oh my god, I completely forgot. I rush out the room not even saying nothing. I go down to Jaden's room. I walk in only to see blood everywhere but no crying baby.

"What's going on?" I ask the doctor.

"Sir I'm afraid we got some bad news." The doctor says.

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