0.7; Hospital

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Kian's POV

"Now I am.." I heard Reese say on the other side of the door. 

"What?" I say my voice cracking, not getting a reply. I quickly run into the living room and grab my cell phone and dial 911. I tell them whats happening and they make me break down the door to get to Reese. After 5 minutes I manage to get it open and see Reese laying in the bathtub, passed out. I explain to the lady what I see and I give her Reese's address and that she sent an ambulance. 

I hang up and lay down with her in the bathtub, tears running down my face. She's still breathing, but barely. I decide to do an AHS scene and turn the water on, sticking my fingers down her throat. She gags up some pills, but she swallowed a whole bottle. I keep doing that, and she gags up what looks like 20-30 pills. 

I hear the sirens of the ambulance and I start crying even more, turning the water off as they burst into the house. They take her out of my arms and place her on a gurney, and tell me that I cant be in the back with her. So, I get into my car, hearing the sirens getting quieter as they drive to the hospital. I text her mom

To: Anna Burdel 

Hi Mrs. Burdel :) I'm sorry I have to tell you this but Reese tried to commit suicide.. and i dont know if it worked or not, shes at the hospital right now.. im on my way there. 

I send that message to her and place my phone into a cup holder. I sigh, wiping my face. My clothes are still wet from the tub, but I compose myself and start driving to the hospital. I arrive in a panic, telling the receptionist who I'm here for and she tells me to calm down and sit down. 

I sit in the waiting room and bounce my leg, thinking about what just happened for at least two hours before someone tells me her stomach was pumped and she should be waking up soon.

 Reese's POV

I wake up with a start, lights blinding me as a nurse comes running in. She begins to ask me questions, and I oblige, answering all of them as I know. 

"Why did you do it?" She asks, the clipboard in her hand covered in her neat handwriting of my answers. 

"There are these kids, at school. They're so mean, I couldn't handle it anymore. I can't handle it anymore." 

She nods her head and asks me a few more before telling me what I've been waiting for her to tell me. "There's a boy out there for you, says his name is Kian? Can I let him in?"  

I sigh in relief and nod my head. "Yes, please. Thank you." 

She smiles at me and I readjusted myself in the small twin bed and soon there is a panting boy at the door, the smile on his face growing every second. 

"Reese, holy FUCK!" He yells, running over to me and squishing my small body with his in a 'hug'. 

"I-I'm sorry, Kian." I shake my hand, tears beginning to roll down my cheeks. 

"Hey, hey. Shh. I was so worried." He says, rubbing the tears that fall out of my eyes away with the pad of his thumb. 

We talk for a while more, before the nurse comes into my room and tells us something I didn't expect to hear. 

"There's another boy here, said his name is Jc? Should I let him in, or..." 

"What? No!" Kian instantly says, but I hold my hand up to him and nod my head slowly. 

"Yeah, you can send him in." 

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