1.8; Breaking Point

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Reeses POV

School today. Yay.

We dont have much school left, but I'm not ready to be harassed for the last of it. Kian picks me up, usual. We get to school, Jc waiting at my locker, usual. Kian actually walking away from me to go talk to Sam? Not usual.

Kian left me alone with Jc, and I knew how bad this was going to end. Jc could tell that I was hurt by the fact that Kian walked away.

"Remember what the beginning on the year was like? You were simply a friend to him. He didn't even want to be seen with you in school, for christ sakes." Jc starts. "You were a little slut who cut themselves one too many times, and ended up trying to commit."

Jcs words stung like poison. Mainly because half of them were true.

"Now theres not much of a difference. Other then the fact that you don't cut anymore."

I look over at Kian, him and Sam laughing.

"Does he make you happy, Reese?"

"Well, of course. I probably wouldn't be here if he didn't."

"But the thing is Reese... Does he make you happy enough?" When he says that I slam my locker, and go over to Kian and Sam. Kian pulls me into him, and tears pool in my eyes.

I try to find something to focus on so that the tears wont spill. I focus on the door handle of the art room, and Kians voice. But Jcs question wont stop ringing in my mind.

I look up at Kian, who is making eye contact with Sam, theyre talking about maybe hanging out at some point, us three.

Out of no where the tears start coming, and coming fast. Like all of my emotions were being released through tears. Kian sits me down, and hugs me. I cry into his chest as the second bell rings.

"Babe, babe. Whats wrong? What happened?"

"Kian, everything. Everything happened." I sob out.

"What do you mean?"

"Kian- I." I start but choke up and make eye contact with him. His eyes are very worried looking.

"Babe, what?"

"I'm not okay. I haven't been. I've never been okay."


"Kian. Bring me home. Please?"

"Okay... Do you want me to stay with you?"

"No. Bring me home, then come back here. I need some time to think. Please Kian?"


Kian does as I ask, bringing me home. I go upstairs into my room once he does, and wait for his car to pull out of the driveway. Once it does, I put a hoodie on and grab sharpies. I go out into the woods behind my house, walking and thinking. I reach the river, having many childhood memories here with Kian.

"Kiiian!" I screech, as my feet land into the cold water.

"Reese! Oh no I didn't mean to! I lost balance."

"But my feet are cold and wet nowwwww. Help me please." I stick my hand towards him and he helps me out, and we go to a flat rock in the sun to let my shoes and socks dry.

Everything is so overgrown now, as I cross mine and Kians make shift bridges to the rock. I sit on its surface and write something on it in sharpie that will come off in a few months.

kiki, babe. remember this? I do. And i love you. forever and always.

I take my phone out, checking off the last real thing on my list.

Before Senior Year Ends.
✔️Graffiti something somewhere.
✔️Get a small, meaningful tattoo.
✔️Redo my room.
✔️Learn how to penny board.
✔️Go to a party, and enjoy it.
✔️Go to the beach for a weekend
- Spend as much time with Kian as possible.

I let tears drop as I look at my completed list. Might as well do it now, sooner than later.

As I walk back home my last thought is, I'm sorry, Kian.

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