2.0; Dead

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Kians POV

I hug Reeses body as I hear the sirens coming closer. This is it. Shes actually gone.

I hear people bust into the house, and I hold her closer and tighter. I hear foot steps up the stairs and her door opens. It all happens in slow motion, the paramedics taking her from me, and trying to revise her. Its pointless. Shes gone.

I watch as they cover her body with a tarp, and bring her out to the ambulance. I'm left here all alone in Reeses room. I sit up, swiping the tears out from under my eyes, and wiping my nose on my arm. I scoop up the notes, and read mine.

I can hear her soft voice echoing through my head while I read the note. I finish it, tears dropping and smudging the words even more. I sift through the other ones, and decide I should bring them to them.

I'll give Sam and Jc theirs at school, and I can leave her moms on the table. I place the notes back onto her desk, and lay down on her bed. I inhale, and tears form in my eyes.

I go into her closet, and grab the collection my hoodies she had. I shove them into my backpack, and grab the notes. I slowly walk down the stairs, and place the note for her mom on the counter.

I slowly open the door, weird not feeling the presence of Reese. I go into my car, and read the note she had written to him.

"i hope you know youre the main reason i did this"

Reading that line made me fill with anger. He was the reason that my sweet girlfriend killed herself. I turn the keys in the ignition, and speed off to the school.

I wait next to Jcs car until the final bell rings. I hear it go off, and in a minute I see him walking towards me.

"Hey douche. Wheres the girl?" He asks, stopping in front of me.

"Why dont you tell me?" I retort, and throw the folded up piece of paper at him.

I watch him unfold it, and the smug look is off of his face within seconds.

"Wh-what?" He says.

"Yeah, as hard it is to believe. Reese is dead. And shes dead, because of you." I say, my words laced with anger.

"But- I never meant to-"

"Of course you didnt! You didnt understand how fragile she was, and when she broke, she broke for good Jc."

"But I..."

"I dont care. You were the reason that I found my girlfriend dripping in blood hanging from her ceiling." I yell, causing people to look at us in horror. Jc is speechless at this point. "I hope you're happy knowing you cause someone to die." I finish, and stalk to my car slamming the door, and letting tears slide down my cheeks freely.

I love you, Reese. I didnt show it nearly enough..

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