1.3; Tattoo

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Reeses POV

I look at the list again when I wake up, checking off the penny boarding one.

Before Senior Year Ends.
- Graffiti something somewhere.
- Get a small, meaningful tattoo.
- Redo my room.
✔️Learn how to penny board.
- Go to a party, and enjoy it.
- Go to the beach for a weekend
- Spend as much time with Kian as possible.

I sigh, and get up. Its 6:30 so I don't have enough time to shower, I wake Kian up; then go down stairs. I pour us both a bowl of cereal and leave the milk on the counter for him. I sit on one of the bar stools and wait for him.

He comes down after I take my first bite and sits down next to me. We talk for a bit, before I finish and go upstairs to change. I put on leggings and a mint green sweater. (Yea, its andrea but i wanted to put a outfit thing on there sooooo...)

Kian put on a pair of black skinny jeans, and a white graphic t-shirt. We get into his car at 7:00 and head to school.

Once we get there I see Jc waiting at my locker. Fuck fuck fuck. I approach him and open my locker.

"So on your list, one of the things is going to a party and enjoying it.." He starts

"Jc, I'm not going to a party with you. I'm dating Kian."

He sighs, "I know you are and I'm throwing one this weekend if you two want to come." He said, and I make eye contact with him, surprised at what he just said.

"Uhm.." I stutter out. "I guess I'll ask Kian about it.."

"Okay." He smiles at me and walks away. That was fucking weird.

I look around for Kian, seeing him talking to Alex. I smile, and walk over to them.

"Hey." I say and Kian wraps his arms around me and Alex looks at us. "Whats up?"

"Just talking about Jc's party, its tomorrow night." Alex says, and Kian nods his head.

The day went by fast, and Kian said he had a surprise for me. I okayed it because 1) its Kian 2) its also Friday. He brings me to LA and into a tattoo shop.

"Kian! I don't know what I want yet!" I say as we sit in the parked car.

"I know what you're gonna get. You said you wanted a meaningful tattoo; and I'm gonna get one with you."

After 10 minutes we get out of the car and I follow him into the shop. Once we get in he gives a guy thats covered in cool tattoos a "bro-hug" I smile at him and he asks what we're gonna be getting. Kian leans over and whispers into his ear, and he nods.

"Reese come choose out a font." He says to me and I go over to the board, choosing out one that was long and skinny. Kian chooses the same one, and the guy, Romeo, starts on Kian. Kian already has a few tattoos, his moon and a couple other. Romeo is done in 15 minutes but Kian wont let me see it.

He comes over to me, asking me where I want it and how big i want it. I picked out my wrist, and the size of a quarter.

The pain wasn't too bad, but Kian put a blindfold on me so I had no idea what was going on. About 20 minutes later Kian removed my blindfold and my eyes went to my wrist. In little lettering there was a K.L

I look over at kian, who shows me his hand, where he has R.B written on his thumb. I smile at him, throwing myself into him, hugging him. We thank Romeo; who didn't charge us.

"Kian... I- thank you." I say once we get into the car. Kian decides to take a picture of our tattoos, and posts them on Instagram. He gets about 40 likes on it, just people from school.

We get back to his house at 6:30, and he made us a frozen pizza. I finished eating and sat on the couch, dozing off into a light sleep thinking about whats going to happen in mere months.

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