1.5; Beach

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Reeses POV

I get my phone out, and look at the list. I check off the party one, I had fun last night.

Before Senior Year Ends.
- Graffiti something somewhere.
✔️Get a small, meaningful tattoo.
- Redo my room.
✔️Learn how to penny board.
✔️Go to a party, and enjoy it.
- Go to the beach for a weekend
- Spend as much time with Kian as possible.

Its February vacation, finally. On valentines day Kian and I stayed in, and hung out.

I look over and see Kian laying down next to me, he looks so peaceful. I love him so much my heart hurts, I'm going to hurt him so bad...

I take a picture of him, despite how creepy that might be. I post it on snapchat with a heart emoji. I get up and decide to shower, and when I get back into Kian's room hes on his phone. I put on my bra and underwear, dropping the towel. I put on a sweater and leggings, and I can feel Kians eyes burning into my back.

"Hey lets go to the beach this weekend, I mean it is vacation." Kian says, referring to my list.

"Sure. I'm cool with it."

"Okay. Lemme get ready then we can go."

"Okay? Are we gonna bring anything?"

"Yeah pack some things. I want to get you a new bathing suit though, don't pack one of those." He says, winking at me.

I pack a couple pairs of leggings, shorts, one of Kians t-shirts and a few tops of my own. I pack what Kian tells me are his favorite undergarments of mine, and I sit on his bed waiting for him to finish. I watch him as he puts his pants in, then his boxers, then his shirts. I also watch as he puts condoms in with everything.

"You ready?" I ask and stand up.

"More than ready. I called a hotel while I was in the bathroom. We have a hotel right on the beach, and it has a queen bed. That okay?"

"Perfect." I say, smiling at him.

We get into his car, and start blasting music on our 3 hour drive to the beach. We stop and get coffees at a cute cafe, and the coffee was amazing. We also stop at a gas station, not only for gas but to get snacks for the hotel room. I choose out hot fries and an arizona, Kian chooses 2 bags of chips, and 4 water bottles.

We pay, and Kian gets the gas while I mess around with the music, and play bohemian rhapsody by queen. Kian gets into the car, and I hit play and start singing along to it in an off tone voice. Kian laughs, and sings along.

Soon enough we're at our hotel, and Kian runs in to grab the key and I gather all of our stuff together. He comes out 5 minutes later, flashes me the key and grabs his bag and the bags from the gas station.

I follow him, carrying my bag. We get to our room, after going up 5 floors on an elevator, and he unlocks it, letting me go in first. The hotel room isnt huge, but it has a queen sized bed, a good sized bathroom and a balcony that looks at the ocean.

Kian closes the door, puts his bags down next to mine, and sits next to me on the bed.

"This will be the best weekend ever, I swear babe." He says, making eye contact with me, and pressing his lips against mine.

This boy. I think, and smile.

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