1.4; Party

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Reese's POV

I go onto my phone the next morning and go onto my list, checking off the tattoo one.

Before Senior Year Ends.
- Graffiti something somewhere.
✔️Get a small, meaningful tattoo.
- Redo my room.
✔️Learn how to penny board.
- Go to a party, and enjoy it.
- Go to the beach for a weekend
- Spend as much time with Kian as possible.

Jcs party was today, and I'm thinking about maybe going; I have a feeling that if I do something bad will happen.

I place my phone back down and curl up to Kian, and wrap my arms around him. He moves a bit, before grabbing me and pulling me closer to him while sleeping.

I start poking all around his face trying to get him to wake up, and it soon works. He slowly opens his eyes blinking.

"Morning babe." He says kissing my cheek sloppily, before slowly taking his arms off of me, and getting up. He goes into the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. He left the door cracked so I decide that I'd join him.

I strip out of all of my clothing before going into the bathroom, and hopping in to see Kian smirking at me.

He grabs my hand pulling me toward him, and presses his lips to mine. I kiss back. He pinches my ass, causing me to gasp, and he takes the opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. We make out like that for 5 minutes, before deciding that we should actually wash up.

"Do we want to go to Jc's party?" I ask kian once we're out of the shower.

"Sure. But please promise me not to drink. I wont either..." He says looking me in the eyes.

"Anything for you my love." I smile at him, kiss his cheek and go downstairs. His mom is sleeping on the couch, and Kian follows me. I walk outside, its so nice out.

"Can we go somewhere?" I ask him.

"Like where?"

"We should hike up to the Hollywood sign." I suggest, and he agrees.

We get our things together, and take Kians car to the hollywood sign. We hike for about 3 hours, taking aesthetic pictures and talking about our future, past and even whats going on right now. We manage to get onto the subject of school, and I dislike it.

"I've noticed that your grades have kind of dropped." He starts. "Is it because of me?"

"No, no. You make me happy and thats all I want." I partially lie. Kian does make me happy, but with school still in the mix I'm still not happy enough. I love Kian with all my heart and I hate myself for doing this to him.

"Okay... I know we do our homework and stuff together, but I'm afraid theres too much goin' on in that little head of yours, Reese."

"I... I guess you could say that.." I mutter.

Kian starts going off about wanting to move to New York City, and that I'd go with him and we'd get this cute apartment and decorate it. I smile at the thought, but my heart is slowly breaking.

We get back from our hike, and take another shower. Its 5:30 so we decide to get ready for the party. I decide to not wear a dress, but light wash skinny jeans and a cute floral crop top. I slide on my black converse and Kians dressed like usual, black on black.

We get into his car, him making his way to Jcs house. We eventually get there, Kian and I getting out. He waits for me and we lock hands when we start walking. I hope I enjoy it...

Kian goes in, and only a few people are here. "Hey guys! You actually came." I hear Jc say, and I look over at him.

"Mhm." Kian mumbles and we go sit on a couch. We talk and watch as more people start to pile in. Soon music starts playing and I convince Kian to dance with me. I end up grinding on him, and we make out in the midst of people.

Soon we find the kitchen, and Kian lifts me up onto the counter, finding empty red solo cups and filling them up with water. There are bowls of chips and cheese its on the counter and I take a handful of cheese its and munch on them while Kian and I rant about a teacher.

Jc walks into the kitchen and over to us. "So you guys haven't bailed yet? Surprising."

"Yeah, well I want to enjoy a party for once." I say to him. He raises his eyebrows at me and nods his head, leaving. I look at my phone. 10:34. "Wait, Ki we should head home. Its kinda late, and I'm tired."

"Of course, babe. Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Yeah. I think I did. Thanks for bringing me Ki. I love you." I say, making eye contact with him.

"I love you too." He says and pulls me closer to him, connecting our lips. I pull apart after a minute, then hop off of the counter, leading him outside. We get into his car, and he starts it. He starts driving to his house, and places his hand on my thigh.

"I'm so happy I get to call you mine." He says quietly to himself. I smile, sorry I'm insane, Kian.

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