0.1; Mr.Popular

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Reese's POV

I sit on the curb looking very pathetic, waiting for Kian to get me. I sit for another 10 minutes and stand up, giving up on Kian. He probably ditched me for his 'popular friends' I begin the long walk home, sticking my ear buds in my ears, blasting TRXYE. I listen to the album 5 times and I'm home. 

I pull my ear buds out, looking over at Kian's house, seeing his car in the driveway, sighing and opening the door. I slide off my combat boots and walk into the kitchen, seeing a note left by my mom. 

I'll be home late tonight, 

dinner is in the fridge :) 


I put my bag on the counter, walking upstairs slowing, thinking about today. Fat, slut, whore, bitch, go die. All of these insults, they hurt. Going to the bathroom, I look in my makeup bin, begin taking everything out and seeing my blade case closed at the bottom. I carefully lift it out and open it. 

I slide out of my sweatshirt, looking at my fresh cuts, scabs, and scars. I cry, letting tears drop onto them, taking out a blade, pushing down and dragging it. Blood pools onto my skin, a sweet release I'd been waiting for all day. Suddenly there's a knock on the bathroom door. What the fuck?!

"Reese?" I hear Kian say on the other side of the door. "I'm sorry I forgot to pick you up, it's just that Andrea came over and I-" I cut him off, getting annoyed.

"Kian, it's fine." I try and make my voice strong.

"Okay. Hurry up. I wanna watch a movie or something." I can hear the smile in his voice. 

"Okay. I'll be down in five." I say and take a towel out, pressing it to my new wound. I hear him walk away and I put my blades away, and my makeup products on top. The towel is now a deeper color, my blood staining it. Tossing it into the closet I slide my sweatshirt back on and open the door, take a deep breath and walk downstairs.

Kian is sitting on my couch, scrolling through Netflix. "That time of the month?" He says playfully. I laugh a bit.

"Haha. Think what you want." I say sitting next to him, happy to have my best friend again. 

"Wanna watch a horror movie?" He asks, going to that section in Netflix.

"No thanks, bud. I'd rather not have nightmares." I say, and get up wanting popcorn. I find the microwaveable popcorn and put it in the microwave jump onto the counter. I hear Kian get up and I smear butter in my hand. He walks into the kitchen and I wave him over with my other hand.

"Yes, madam?" He asks coming over and standing in between my legs, putting his hands on my knees. I lean in like I'm going to kiss him and being completely honest, I really want to, he leans in also as I take the hand with butter in it and smack his cheek, letting out a line of giggles. 

Kian gasps. "Reese!!" He yells and backs up, touching his cheek and launches at me. I turn around, sliding off the other side of the counter, and dash for the back door. "Reese!! Get back here!" He yells and we laugh, as I continue running. I run across the street and hide behind our neighbor's trash can. I hear his footsteps pass.

I let out a sigh of relief, then Kian comes out of nowhere and presses my cheeks together, with butter on his hands and sits down across from me. 

"Kiaaaannn." I whine rubbing my sweatshirt sleeves on my cheeks, my sweatshirt might as well be ruined now. He laughs and gets up, offering his hand. I take it and he pulls me up. He walks ahead of me. I yell, "INCOMING!!" And jump onto his back. He grunts, and starts to laugh grabbing my legs. 

I gasp. "Kian! Was that a fat joke?" I say and burst out laughing and so does Kian. He puts me down on the grass, and we lay down laughing, and looking at the sky. The sun was still up, but it was getting dark fast. 

I slowly get up, grabbing Kian's hand and pulling him up. We get inside and he starts a movie and I grab the popcorn. I open it, it's not hot anymore so I take a handful and pop it in my mouth. 

"Kian I'm gonna go get another sweater I'll be right ba-" 

"Why do you always wear sweaters? It's like 90 degrees in here."

"I don't know... I like them better." I shrug my shoulders. 

"You don't need a new one, just take it off." He says and grabs my arm and pulls me onto the couch with him. 

"Kian, I don't wanna." I say and try and get up again, but he grabs my wrist. I wince, as he grabbed where the brand new cut was. 

"Reece. Just take the fucking sweater off." He says getting really annoyed. 

"Kiaaann." I whine and sit down. "I'm not taking it off." 

"Reese. Just take the damn thing off." He says looking at me. 

"Kian. Just let me change into a non-buttery one." I snap, looking him right in the eyes. 

"Just take it off." He retorts and reaches for the bottom of it, and starts to slide it off, still looking me in the eyes. He is just about to take off the sleeves, and I cross my arms. 

"Reese." Kian laughs a bit. "You look ridiculous!" You can see my shirt, and my sweater is bunched up above my crossed arms. 

"Just let me take it off." He says reaching for it again, and I make my arms tighter. 

"Kian." I say as he pulls my head through the head hole. 

"Reese." he says concentrating on my sweater. 

"Kian I really don't -" I get cut off by the door opening to Andrea peeping her head through. 

"Kian I've texted you a mill-" She takes in the sight in front her. Her boyfriend trying to take off another girls shirt. "Kian... How could you." She says looking at Kian, then turning to me, my arms are at my sides now as I'm ready to take her punch. "Everyone is right about you!" She yells. "You are a fucking slut! Trying to get in my boyfriend's pants?!" 

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