0.5; Starbucks

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Kian's POV

I need to protect her. I want to protect her. But the thing is I don't know how. I think as I pace in my living room. I stop pacing, look at the time and slide on my converse. I get into my car, needing to get Reese for school. I start the car and pull out of my driveway.

I get to Reese's house and she is sitting on the porch with her bag next to her and on her phone. I beep and she looks up from her phone and smiles, picking up her bag and running to the car.

"Hey!" she greets me after she closes the door.

"Hey," I say and look over at her and smile. "has Jc been bothering you?"

"He was a bit before I blocked his number."

"That's good! Do you wanna hang out after school? Maybe get coffee or something?" I ask her, stopping at a red light.

"It might rain, though." She says with a sigh. I hit the gas peddle, and think for a moment.

"Okay, what about this. If it's raining when we get out of school we can go to one of our houses and watch movies, make cookies or something. If it's not, we will go get coffee. Sound like a deal?"

"Why not, Lawley." she agrees as we pull into the school parking lot.

Reese's POV

Once we get out of school, it is pouring rain, like I had said it would be. I stand by the front doors, people bumping into me every once in a while as I wait for Kian to get out of his class. I hear someone yelling my name, and Kian is full on sprinting down the hallway with two textbooks in his arms towards me. 

He stops at me, smiling. "Guess what I just did?" 

"What did you just do, you twat?" I smile and we begin to walk to the front doors and Kian shoves his textbooks under his shirt and we both pull our hoods up to save our hair from the rain. 

"I broke up with Andrea." He says, and begins laughing and the smile drops from my face, this is just gonna get worse for me. 

"K-Kian... Why'd you do that? Everyone knows about our friendship now. We're the fucking talk of the school." I whisper the last part and watch as Kian's face drops.

"That's not what I expected, but okay." He unlocks his car and we get in. "What do you wanna do?" 

"We can go to Starbucks and do homework?" I suggest and he nods and begins to slowly edge out of the parking lot, a couple of angry teens honking at us as we pull out in front of them. 

We get to Starbucks after 25 minutes, it being the closest one to our house's. 

"Go get a table and I'll order for us." He pats my back and gives me a light push towards the tables. I choose an empty one with four chairs and a double table. I plop down on the side facing Kian and take out my US History textbook and take out the packet we were given to take notes with. I click my pen open and write down one sentence before Kian places down a coffee next to me and sits across from me. 

"Iced caramel with cream and one sugar?" He asks, pointing at my coffee and I nod my head, smiling and picking it up to take a sip.

"What do you have for homework?" I ask him after taking a sip of my strong coffee. 

"Spanish, pre-calc, and English." He says, pulling out a few folders and a book. "You?"

"History, Spanish, and English." I state, sipping on my coffee again.

"What?! You don't have calc?" He asks and I smile at him.

"I did it in class." I laugh, "Did you forget you and Sam are my only friends?" 

"Reese, don't say thatttt." He pouts and I laugh and point to his work.

"Do it." I tell him, and he smiles pulling out a worksheet for pre-calc. 

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