1.7; Room

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Reeces POV

Before Senior Year Ends.
- Graffiti something somewhere.
✔️Get a small, meaningful tattoo.
- Redo my room.
✔️Learn how to penny board.
✔️Go to a party, and enjoy it.
✔️Go to the beach for a weekend
- Spend as much time with Kian as possible.

I checked off the weekend one once Kian and I got home. Its been a few weeks, and Kian and I have bought the paint to redo my room. I dont know why I want to do that, but I havent since I was like 10.

Its now 2 weeks away from graduation, and I have 2 things left on my list. I'm already planning how everything will play out. The hardest part will be leaving Kian.

Hes supposed to come over today so we can actually redo my room. I got a pale orangey pink color, and I'm quite excited.

From: kiki 💕
on my way over. i have something for you too.

To: kiki 💕
okay.. 😝 see you soon 💖

Soon enough Kian pulls into my driveway, and I run out to meet him.

"Hey babe." He says as I hug him and peck his lips.

"Hi." I smile up at him.

"You ready to get your paint on giirrrrl?"

"Yesss! I'm so excited I love the color that we chose."

We go upstairs into my room, and begin with putting all of my loose small belongings into a box. After that, we move my full size bed to the middle of my room, and take down all of my pictures and posters.

Then we go with the process of filling in all of the tack holes, chatting about our assignments due on Monday. This process takes over an hour to do, and my arms are sore.

"Lunch?" Kian asks, and I agree. He calls pizza hut and orders two large pepperoni. We go downstairs and watch TV until the deliverer gets here. It takes a half an hour, and 27 dollars but we get the pizza and eat.

Soon enough were back upstairs painting, and I couldn't be more happy. We do one coat, that takes 45 minutes, then we go eat some more pizza. Add a second coat, another 45 minutes, then over night to dry.

Kian and I drive over to his house, and go up into his room and put netflix on.


I wake up the next morning to Kian poking my face. I smile, opening my eyes to be met with his brown ones.

"We get to rearrange your room today."

"I knowww. I'm excited. Maybe we could end up staying there more."

"Plus we only have one actual thing left on your list until graduation! How exciting."

"Yeah.. So exciting.."

"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing. Should we get ready to go over and do stuffff?"

"We should get iHop first. I'm feelin a big waffle."

"Sounds like a plan." I agree and we get out of bed. I go over to Kians closet and take out one of his shirts and sliding it on, tying the side so you could see my belly button. I put on one of my flannels that I left here and leave my paint stained leggings on. I slide into my black converse, and go into the bathroom.

I brush my hair and teeth, and apply some mascara. I go down stairs and see Kian leaning on the doorframe waiting for me.

"Leggo." I say and we hold hands walking out of the house into the car. He drives us to iHop, and we go in.

Someone seats us, and we get menus. Kian is getting a Belgium waffle and I'm getting an omelet. We wait a few minutes till our food gets here, and we eat fast when it does. Kian is getting impatient because no one is bringing us our bill, so he leaves a $50 on the table and leads me out.

We get back to my house, greeting my mom on the way in and heading up to my room. It looks beautiful, and we rearrange my bed, posters and all of my other junk. (Like the picture but more teenager-y)

"There." Kian says and we both lay onto my bed. "Happy?"

"Very. Thank youuuuu." I say and we kiss.

"Anything for you, babe."

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