0.6; Not Okay

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Kian's POV (again yes)

I listened to 'x' by Ed Sheeran along with 'TRXYE' and '5 Seconds Of Summer (bonus track version)' while writing this so yeah :)

"Kian!" I hear someone yell as I walk out of 6th period Spanish. I turn towards where I heard it from, and they scream my name again. Reese. I bolt towards where I heard her scream. I only take a few steps before I see a circle formed around a group of people.

I elbow my way through the group and walk into the open circle, seeing Jc on Reese. "Hey, hey!" I yell and pull hum off of Reese, who is curled in a ball on the floor. "Fuck off! Leave her alone!" I yell shoving him into the crowd and lean over Reese.


"Kian." She says opening her big eyes. Black streaks were running down her face, but she smiled weakly at me.

"Are you okay?"

"What do you think? I was just kinda sorta beaten in a hallway.. I'm good I guess. I'm used to it by now." She said and I helped her up.

"Wanna skip last period? We can go get some McDonald's and go hang out at your house?" I said and she nodded her head. We got out and I helped her into the car, and we did what I suggested. We got to her house and I helped her out of the car and into the house.

"Can I see it?" I asked once we were on the couch.

"See what?" She asked and ate a french fry.

"Your stomach. I don't know if they did much.."

"Uh.. Yeah." She says and lays down on the couch, pulling her shirt up to where her bra starts. I gasp looking at it, basically all blue and purple. "Is it that bad..?"

"Yes.. It's that bad." I say as she puts her shirt down and walks into the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind her.

Reese's POV

I don't want to. I really don't want to anymore. I pace in my small bathroom, thinking. Kian would be so hurt. I don't know what to do. I sit on the toilet lid covering my face with my hands, thinking. He is right out there. I can't.. But I want to. I'm going to.

I open the cabinet grabbing the biggest bottle. I unscrew the cap, trying not to make much noise. I place the bottle and lid on the counter, making sure the door is locked. I open the small closet and grab a towel. I place it in the sink, getting a washcloth. I place the washcloth around the bottle, hoping to muffle the sound of me dumping the pills onto the towel.

I take the towel out of the sink, placing it on the counter. I take a handful of the pills, swallowing. I get into the bathtub, getting dizzy. I hear a knock on the door. "Are you okay?" I can faintly hear Kian say on the other side of the door.

"Now I am." I say quietly, smiling as I black out slowly.

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