0.8; Jc's Speech

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Kian's POV

I turn towards the door and open it, making eye contact with Jc. He looks at me and smirks, pushing past me. He walks towards Reese and I close the door, and sit down on a chair near the door. He leans over her, and I see fear in Reese's eyes. I watch him as he places a finger under her chin, to make her look at him. She squeezes her eyes shut, letting a tear fall. He leans closer to her, and whispers something in her ear. I watch as her eyes welt up, and she makes eye contact with me. 

He pulls away, and turns towards the door, and me. I stand up, opening the door. He smirks back at her, and I shove him out, closing the door in the process. I run over to Reese, and she grabs onto me, crying. 

"What'd he say to you?"

"K-Kian. I-" She stops and looks up to me. "He... I can't anymore. Kian, why..." she shoved her face into her hands, and started crying. 

"Babe, babe." I say, trying to soothe her. "It'll be okay. Now, why don't you go get dressed and we can go to my place and crash, okay?" She sniffles and nods. The nurse comes in and tells us that I just need to sign some papers, and she can be released. She goes to the bathroom, and I sign her out, and we get into my car. 

I turn on my car, Fight Song playing. I look over at Reese, who is looking out the window. I turn her face towards mine gently, and place my lips on hers. She kisses back, and we pull away. I smile at her. "You're okay, babe." I whisper, and put the car in drive. 

We pull into my driveway after 15 minutes, and I help her out of the car. We go inside, and I pick her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs. I placed her on my bed, and took my shirt off. I lay down next to her, and smile. She places her lips on mine, and we're soon in a heated make out session. I pull away, wrapping my arms around her. She snuggles into my chest, and smiles. 

"You're safe with me, Reese. I promise." I say, reassuring her. 

"Kian.. Sorry about everything.. You really shouldn't be going through this. I'm kinda insane.." She says, looking down. I place my lips on the top of her head, and leave them there for a minute. 

"It's okay... Please.. Please don't scare me like that again..." I whisper, and she slowly nods her head.

Reese's POV

He shouldn't have called 911. I was going to die. That was the point of it. He could have carried on being Mr. Popular and not having to worry about Jc bullying me. But no..  He had to find me like that. God dammit, Kian.

"It's okay... Please.. Please don't scare me like that again..." He whispers to me, and I slowly nod my head, not sure if I will or not. If Jc keeps up... 

*At the hospital*

I feel Jc place a finger on my chin, making me look up at him. He smirks, and leans over to me. 

"Pathetic little Reese.. Trying to kill yourself? That's no fun, now is it?" He whispers as my eyes fill up with tears. "Dear, what would I have done without being able to hurt you? Hurt someone else? Now that'd just have to be little Kian over there..." He finishes, letting my chin go. He turns around and looks back to smirk at me. I let my tears fall freely, he cannot hurt Kian.

I blink, Kian saying my name, waving a hand in my face. "Earth to Reese, you in there?" He chuckles, and I smile up at him.

"Sorry, zoned out a bit there." I say, getting up. "Can I shower?" I ask, and he nods his head, and I grab one of his shirts off of the ground. I go into his bathroom, and turn the water on. I strip myself, and get under the hot flow of water. I sigh, washing my hair. I finish up, and get out wrapping myself in a towel.

I put on my underwear and bra, then slide Kians shirt on. It goes down to my knees, and I comb my hair. I dry it best I could then put it into a bun. I walk out of the bathroom, seeing Kian laying on the bed on his phone. He looks over to me, places his phone on the bed and opens his arms. "C'mere." He says, and I walk over to him, laying down next to him. "I'm so glad you're okay.." He trails off, and I smile, and soon fall asleep. 

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