0.9; Home

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Reeses POV

I woke up with arms tied around me. I look up to see Kian sleeping peacefully, and I lean into him smiling. I stayed like that for about 10 minutes before a phone goes off. I slowly unwrap Kians arms from around me and get up. I look around for it, and finally find Kians phone under a bag on the floor.

From: Jc
Where's reese. Ill be over soon if you don't t...

I read the message preview over and over. I go and stand by the window and chew on my nails. I stand there biting for about 15 minutes before I hear the doorbell go off. Shit shit shit. Fuck. I think and go wake Kian up. I shake his body, and he wakes up in a panic.

"Whats wrong?" He asks, standing up.

"Check your phone." I say and watch him as he goes to check it.

His eyes are wide open now, and the door bell goes off more. "You're not here, okay? Hide in my closet. I will come get you when you can come out. I love you, Reese..." He says, pulling me towards the closet, kissing me on the forehead before closing the door.

Kians POV (sorry for swapping a lot; I find it necessary)

I walk downstairs, and walk over to my front door.

"What? I brought her home, last night. Her mom wanted her to stay there." I say annoyed with Jc.

"Oh really? Because I already went there, and her mom she said she was here." Jc said, smirking.

"Fuck you. Leave her alone, douche." I state, leaning against the door frame.

"I wont fuck you, but I will fuck her." He said, biting his lip at the thought.

"You're a nasty mother fucker." I say, and slam the door. I sigh, and go upstairs. I take Reese out of the closet, and she looks up at me with worried eyes.

"Is he gone..?" She asks, peering down the staircase.

"Yeah, he is. I promise. But, my mom will be home from work soon, third shift." I say, pulling her towards me. She looks up at me, and places her hands on the side of my face. She gets on her tip toes, and kisses me.

I instantly kiss back, and after a second, she pulls back. I frown at her, and she pulls me to the bed. I sit down, and pull her into my lap. We continue kissing, making it a heated make out session. I trail my hands up her shirt, and feel her boobs. She breaks the kiss, and pulls my hands out from under her shirt.

"Not right now, Ki. I just wanna make out a bit." She says, placing her lips on mine once again. I flip us over, so I'm leaning over her. God, I do wish she was ready for more than just making out. But, I will give her time, she deserves it.

She pulls away soon, and stares at the door. I listen, and hear someone coming up stairs. Mom? I think to myself, and get off of Reese, going to the door. I open it, watching my mom go into her bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief, and go over to Reese.

"Its just my mom." I told her, and she lays down on my chest.

"Kian..." She whispers, "thank you.. F-for being my friend. I love you so much more than you imagine.." She trails off. I smile at her, and nod my head.

"Do you wanna go out to lunch? My treat?" I ask, and she slowly nods her head.

"Could we stop by my house first? So I can change and grab my phone and stuff?" She asks and I quickly nod my head.

"Of course we can." I smile at her, and get up. I find an outfit to wear, and take off my shirt, looking over at Reese, who is looking at me. "Take a picture, babe, it'll last longer." I say winking at her. She blushes, and looks down. I chuckle, and look over at her, and she is zoned out staring out of the window.

I chuck the shirt I was just wearing at her, and she looks over at me, smiling. I watch her as she removes the shirt shes currently wearing. She looks over at me, holding my shirt at her hips. "What? Take a picture, babe. It'll last longer." She laughs, mocking me.

"Oh, I wanna do more than just take a picture." I say, and watch her slide my shirt on.

"Oh shush. Maybe eventually." She winks, and laughs.

Reeses POV

I laugh at Kian. Big doof. Right now, I'm sorta happy he did call 911... I wouldn't be able to spend time with him like I used to. He stopped talking to me at school in freshman year. He would talk to me occasionally outside of it, but we mainly stopped talking since then. Now look at us. Senior year, practically dating.

I wince, realizing that I'm chewing on my nails. They're so short, and one of them is bleeding now. (This happens to me often, it stings v v v bad when it does) Kian is done getting changed, so we get into his car. He takes me to my house, and follows me in. I walk in, and into the kitchen looking for my mom. I gasp, looking at the dining room table, where shes sitting with Jc.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" I yell, making eye contact with Jc.

"Sweet heart, Jc claims that you're dating him?" My mom asks, looking back and forth from all three of us.

"What even?" I whisper, "Um mom. No. I'm with Kian.." I state, and she continue switching through all of us, with a very confused face on.

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