1.9; Notes

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Hope you guys like it, and yes, sadly there are only a few chapters left to this story. im sad yet excited to end it.. 😉

Reeses POV

I get back to my house and instantly get out a pad of paper, writing short notes to the few people in my life.


Yours is going to be the longest. Kian, you are my one and only love. I have never, never, ever loved someone the way i did you. You were probably the most important person in my life. weve had soooo many memories together. As much as i love us now, i miss us as 10 year olds. innocently pushing and shoving each other into the river. speaking of, remember that rock? go there, for your final note from me. kian, my love, my world, my everything. i love you so god damn much. i swear. you make me so freaking happy.

Sorry im insane,

Tears drop freely onto the paper as I fold it and write "KIAN" on the front. I start on the next one;


i hope you know that you are the main reason i did this. you were such a fucking dick to me. i have no clue why you chose me to make my life a living hell, but i guess it worked. i really hope youre happy with what youve done, jc. youre a horrible. human.


I finish writing that one, very angry now.


Mother, you havent exactly been a great mother to me for the past few years. Youre usually not home, although you do leave me with cash, i never really had the real sensation of having a family. i still love you, but you could have done more


I cry as I prepare myself for the last one.


Sammmmmmmm. oh how i miss your laugh. its been a while since weve hung out. yes, i miss you, and i love you too. i hope youre doing well. i miss our hang outs, scary movie nights with kian. you guys always had to walk me home if it was at kians because i was always afraid. i love you, sammers. thank you for your friendship forever.

Reeses Pieces.

I sign Sams with his nick name for me, and all of the papers are stained with tears. I label all of them and go into the bathroom. I take out all of the pill bottles we have, dumping them all out and taking a handful. I get my razors out, and slice my arms, up and down. I make my way downstairs, grabbing the vodka before the pills have much affect on me.

I go back upstairs, and go under my bed, taking out a box that contained a noose. I hang it on my ceiling fan, and place a chair under it.

I take a long gulp of the vodka, and take out my phone. I call Kian, wanting to hear his voice one last time.

"Reese? Are you okay?"

"Yeah. Im perfectly fine." I slur out. "I love you, kian. So much."

"Reese youre not okay, im coming to your house."

"No, no dont come over." I yell at him and hear keys on the other end. "I love you, kian."

"I love you too Reese." He says and i hear a car start.

"Good bye. Kian." I say, and hang up. I place my head in the noose, crying even harder than before. I drop my phone, getting a text from kian. I dont bother to look at it as I kick the chair out from underneath me.

Kians POV

Tears start rolling down my face, extremely worried about Reese. I call 911 as I pull into her driveway, explaining the call and telling them that I'm going into her house. They say that theyre on their way. And I hang up walking in.

I hear no noise, no nothing. I dash up the stairs and stand at Reeses door, pressing my ear up against it. Tears are freely falling down my face, I hear no noise. I slowly open her door, and look up to see a scene from a horror movie.

My beautiful girlfriend, arms all torn up, blood drops on the floor, a mostly empty bottle of vodka, and 4 pieces of paper beside it. At this point I'm crying historically, trying to get her body off of the rope.

Theres no use. Reese is gone.

My sweet, sweet girlfriend, is gone.

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