0.2; Secrets

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Reese's POV

Andrea is the only one at school who knows about mine and Kian's friendship.

"Oh, Kian just wait until the whole school knows you were trying to hook up with little miss un-popular here."

"What?" Kian and I say together, and he pulls his hands away from my hoodie.

"She got butter on her hoodie and I'm trying to get her to take it off so she wouldn't be so warm, but she's refusing." He huffs to her, and she stares back and forth between us two. Before turning and leaving the room.

 Kian jumps from his place on the couch, runs over to the door, and before leaving says, "I'm sorry."

I'm left stunned as I hear him calling out for Andrea in the dark. I sigh and let the tears fall again. Kian doesn't know anything. I get up and start up the stairs, taking off my sweater and throwing it to the ground when I got into my room. I lay onto my bed, tired suddenly.


I wake up and hear snoring coming from my floor. I look down, very confused and see Kian, with one of my pillows and a blanket from the couch. I slide off my bed and look at the clock, it reading 7:00AM.

"Fuck!" I yell and start to run into the bathroom, having to be at school in 20 minutes. I trip over Kian's legs and fall down. That woke him up, I started laughing. "Kian we have to be ready in 20 minutes!" I yell getting up as he shoots up. I grab a new shirt, sweatshirt, and skinny jeans. I slide off the shirt I'm wearing now, putting on the new one.

I slide off my pants and slide on my new ones, putting my sweatshirt on last. I see Kian looking at me in awe, stopped in his tracks.

"Did you just see that..?" I asked putting my hands over my face.

"Yeah.." Kian says a little awkwardly. 

I turn on my heels, going into the bathroom. I start brushing my teeth, and Kian soon joins me, wearing a new shirt. He goes into my bathroom closet, takes out his toothbrush and starts brushing his teeth also.

I finish before him, and I grab a pair of socks and run downstairs and put four frozen waffles in the toaster, finding my phone on the couch. I hit the home button seeing I have many texts from people.

From: Kiki

Sorry I just left...

Slumber party?

Are you ignoring me :(

I'm coming over.

From: Mum

stayed late sorry x

From: Satan (Sam)

kian you and i need to hang out!! Friday?

To: Satan

Yah! I'll ask him! ;*

I hear Kian coming down stairs, and our waffles pop. I take them out, not caring how hot they are and throw three of them to Kian. I munch on mine, going to the door getting my combat boots. I walk over to the couch, sliding them on and hearing my phone ding.

From: Satan

Okay ;* sit with us at lunch?

To: Satan

if kian wants me too ;* :/

From: Satan

ill convince him ;* ill meet you at your locker

To: Satan

k byee ;*

I hit send and place my phone on the couch next to me. "Who is satan?" Kian asks grabbing my phone.

"Sam." I say and laugh, and he laughs too, pulling on his shoes, scrolling through the texts.

"Us three should totally hang out!" he says handing me my phone.

"Okay! But right now we really need to get to school."

"What are you gonna do with your hair?" He asks poking my bun.

"Shit, this will have to do." I say as I yank it out of the bun letting my hair fall down my shoulders curly and I start brushing my fingers through it, following Kian out of the house.

"Let's go!" Kian yells and runs out of the house across the street. I follow him at a slower pace and get into the front seat of his Ford focus. 

He drops me off on the sidewalk a bit away from the school. I get out, smile at him and watch as he pulls away from the curb and I walk the short distance to the front doors of the school. I get to my locker, Sam greeting me. 

"Hey, friend." He says and shoves my shoulder playfully and I smile at him, grabbing my first classes textbook out of my locker. Sam and I continue to talk while I sort out the homework I didn't do last night and will need to do in my study hall. Sam coughs, patting my thigh and pointing down the hallway. 

Jc Caylen is stalking down the hallway towards us. He is my main tormentor, along with his group of friends. He comes over, lightly kicking my side. 

"Hey, slut. How was your night? Fun filled with sex?"

"What?" I ask, "No. I was home alone all night." I lie, I would never tell him I was with Kian. He pulls on my arms, lifting me up against the wall. My hand's above my head, he forcefully presses his lips against mine, and I notice Kian walking down the hall. He makes eye contact with me, hesitating before walking over.

"Hey, Jc. Lay off of her. Seriously." He says, and Jc removes his lips from mine.

"Why are you defending this slut? Did you fuck her or something?"

"Why do you call her a slut? It's not like she's slept with more than one person." Sam said, knowing almost everything about me, seeing as he took my virginity.

"How would you know?" Jc said and put his hands on either side of my head. "Is that right? Are you a virgin?"

"I'm not a virgin, asshole." I say and he raises his eyebrows at me. "But I've only ever slept with one person." Kian didn't know this either.

"Wait, what?" I hear Kian say really confused.

"Well, maybe we should change that." Jc said with a smirk on his face. My eyes widen and I try to maneuver out of his arm trap but he grabs both of my wrists, putting them over my head. I wince at the pressure he is putting on my fresh cuts, and of course, he notices. "Why did you wince? Huh, you slut?" He twists his hands, rubbing the cuts and I feel something warm snake down my arm, blood. 

"Kian, pull down her sleeves." Jc ordered and Kian looked at me with sadness in his eyes. "Kian." Kian mouths me an I'm sorry as he doesn't know about them constantly bullying me. He pulls down both of my sleeves and he and Sam look surprised, seeing all of the scabs, scars, and fresh cuts, the blood Jc had made flowing now all over the inside of my sweater and on Kian's hand.

"We have a cutter now do we?" Jc said, smirking again before pressing his lips hard onto mine again, still holding my hands above my head. I don't respond to him, and I look up to Kian and Sam, who have tears running down their cheeks.

Kian's POV

My best friend is a cutter.

I think that one sentence over and over. Jc is attached to her and she looks up at me her eyes pleading for help. As if god himself heard her prayers, the bell rung. "This isn't over." Jc said and let go of her, stalking away with the rest of the group. I wipe away the few tears that have fallen for my friend.

Reese is on the floor crying, and Sam and I run over to her. Sam touches her knee causing her to start yelling. "Get away from me!!"

"Shhh. Reese, it's Sam." Sam tried and she peeked out of her hands and opened her arms, and we both went into her hug. We skipped first period, bringing her into the bathroom to let her cry. I've never felt so bad for anyone in my life.

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