1.1; Back to School

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Kians POV

Everyone is looking at Reese. Everyone must know what happened this weekend with her. I'm so happy I saved her, or last night wouldn't have happened. My guess is that there are many rumors going around about us, and her. She drags me to her locker, and I lean up against it as she unlocks it.

She looks insanely beautiful, with her hair naturally down, and in my sweatshirt. I look around, and realize that Jc hasn't bothered her yet today. We've only been in school for 5 minutes, Kian.

I look around more and spot him. He walks into the school and makes eye contact with me.

"Hey, Reese?" I say, looking back at her.

"Yeah?" She asks, closing her locker.

"Can we meet somewhere so I can walk you to each period? I don't trust Jc."

"Kian, I have most of my classes with you. I don't want you to be late to the rest.." She says, then notices Jc who is making his way over to us.

"Reese. They'll most likely understand if I tell them that I'm walking you to class. Everyone probably knows about this weekend." I whisper the last part as Jc approaches us.

"Jc, just give it a break. I'm not into you. Clearly." Reese tries to defend herself, just getting a laugh from Jc.

"Why don't you shut your pretty little mouth, princess." He says and leans in towards her.

"Hey, leave her the fuck alone dude. Shes not into you, like she said." I stepped in between them.

"Oh, Kian. Poor poor Kian. You're just going to break her heart in the end. Like you always do. Now move." He says, shoving me out of the way. He pins Reese's arms above her head, and slowly kisses down her neck. He stops, realizing that she has make up on.

He licks one of his fingers and I watch as Reese tenses up. He places it back onto her neck, rubbing the powder off. He does that to her whole neck, revealing all of the hickeys I gave to her last night.

"Now, if you could step away from my girlfriend, that'd be great." I say, and grab her.

Jc points to me, "This isn't over, Lawley. I will have her. I will."

I look over at Reese who is still up against the lockers. I go over to her and envelope her into a hug. She accepts, crying into my shirt. I sit down on the floor, her sitting on my lap.

"See, now that, Kian, is why I tried to commit. He makes me feel like such shit.." She says as the bell rings. I help her up and we go to first period, and sit next to each other.

It's lunch now, and I meet Reese at her 5th period class so we can walk together. She walks out, sees me and smiles.

We connect our hands and go down to lunch. We're some of the first people down here so I put my bag down at a table, and hope it stays empty. Reese sits down and I leave to go get bottles of water for us. I go back and Reese is on her phone. I sit down next to her and hand her the water, she says thank you, pecks my lips and continues doing something on her phone.

I pull out my phone too, and open flappy bird. This game gets me so frustrated but I cant help but play it.

"Is this how relationships work now adays?" I hear someone say, and I look up. Jc. I roll my eyes, and pull Reese closer to me. She places her phone down on the table, and looks up at Jc pissed.

"You wanna see what relationships are like now adays?" She says and wraps her hands around my neck, making eye contact with me. She closes her eyes and places her lips onto mine. My hands trail down her body and I rest them on her waist.

She pulls away after a minute and smirks up at Jc, who looks beyond pissed. I make eye contact with him and he stalks away. 

She smiles and pecks my lips one more time, "Ki, can we skip the rest of the day?"

"Sure." I say smiling, helping her up. Since we're seniors we can leave for lunch, but we just wont come back. I lead her out to my car, and she gets into the passengers seat.

I drive to my house, and my mom isn't home for some reason. I shake my head and go inside, Reese following me. I have no clue why she wants to skip, but I take advantage of it and push her against the wall, pressing my lips to hers. She responds quickly, her hands finding their way into my hair. I have one hand on her waist, and the other resting on her butt.

I pull away, and lead her into the kitchen where I lift her onto the counter. She doesn't hesitate to press her lips onto mine again when I stand in between her legs. My hands trail up her shirt and hers are tangled in my hair. I smile into the kiss, and pull her body towards mine, wanting to be closer to her.

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