1.0; Forgetting

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Reese's POV

I look around the room utterly confused. What the actual fuck is wrong with Jc?!

I sigh, and look back and forth from my mom to Jc.

"I'm done here. I'm absolutely done." I state, "Kian, lets go."

I turn away from the kitchen and go upstairs. Kian stands at my bedroom door, and I grab my back pack and place it on my bed. I grab another bag, and start shoving clothes into it. I change my leggings, and leave the dirty ones on my floor. Kian is still at my door, watching me. I slide his shirt off and put it into the bag. I find a big sweat shirt to put on, and slide it on.

I grab more sweatshirts and place them in with the other clothes. I top that bag off with my laptop and the charger. I find a phone charger and put that in there too. I zip it up, putting my backpack on then that one. I sigh, grab my phone and turn around. Kian grabs my hand when I get to him, and we go out to his car.

"I'm gonna be staying with you for a while, okay?" I ask, and he nods his head.

"Of course, babe. My mom wont mind, just as long as we're not too loud." He says, and winks at me as I roll my eyes.

Kian goes through the burger king drive through and orders us both food. We get back to his house and eat in peace. I scroll through instagram, and see a picture of Kian and I that he posted. I was cuddled up to his chest and its captioned "perfection 😍😍"

I like it, and continue scrolling. I look up at Kian, who is laying down on his bed. I smirk, placing my phone down, and jump onto the bed. I cling onto Kian's body and hes laughing.

"Hey.. Kian?" I look up at him.

"Hm?" He responds, making eye contact with me.

"Make me forget this day ever happened." I whisper into his ear, and he smiles, and leans over me.

"Whatever you want, babe." He says, our lips coming into contact and he runs his hands down my body. I smile, and break the kiss, sliding my shirt off. I connect our lips again, and he smiles, his hands finding their way to my boobs. I tangle my hands in his short hair and pull on it. He lets out small moans, and I flip us so I'm sitting in his lap.

I connect our lips, and reach down to unbutton his pants. When I do, he kicks them off, and pulls on my leggings. I slide them off of my legs, and kick them to the floor. I palm Kian through his boxers, and he moans into our kiss.

I've only ever had sex with Sam.


When I wake up the next morning I take in my surroundings. I'm in Kians bed, and he's right next to me. I sigh, and realize that its Monday.

"Fuck fuck fuck." I whisper and get up. I check my phone, and see that its 6:30, and we have to be out of the house at 7:10. "Kian! Wake up!" I say and run into the bathroom. I turn the shower on and quickly hop in. I start washing my hair as the shower curtain opens and Kians head pops in.

"I need to shower too." He said and comes and stands in front of me. I rinse all of the shampoo out and put some conditioner in. Kian gets all of the soap out of his hair, and presses his front to my back. He has a soapy loofa, and he starts washing my body with it. I turn around, and press my body onto his, and take the loofa and wash his body like he did mine.

We get out of the shower, and its 6:45. Kian gives me one of his sweatshirts to wear, and I put on leggings to go with it. I grab my make up and cover the many hickeys Kian gave me, and do the same to him after hes done getting dressed. I simply brush my hair out and leave it down to dry naturally.

Kian is down stairs, and hands me a piece of toast and runs out the door, and I follow him. He turns his car on, and I eat the piece of toast while he brings us to school.

When we get there he parks, and I follow him into the building, our hands connected. When we walk in everyone is staring at me. Then I remember what happened this weekend...

I tried too commit.

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