Chapter Seven

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-Dick's POV-

What just happened? I asked myself, standing by the open window. Running my hand over the window sill that she escaped from, I checked for anything she left behind. A strand of hair? An article of clothing? A loose weapon? Nothing. I growled to myself. This girl was good.

Some eyes from the building across from me brought to my attention that I was standing naked with the window open. I quickly pulled up my towel and tightly locked the window closed. If this Nightingale broke into my apartment, then that means that she knows who I am under the mask, I concluded. I took a seat on my couch and called Wayne Manor.

"Hello, this is Alfred Pennyworth," of course Alfred picked up. I scoffed and shook my hair of the water that still lingered.

"Hey Alfred. I know it's been awhile since Bruce and I have had a sleepover, but some security issues have made my stay at Wayne Manor necessary," I said, pulling up the security cameras' footage that I had all over the whole building. The footage from all the floors was clean. She must've gotten in my room through the door somehow beause the windows were all in perfect condition.

"I'll have a room prepared, Master Dick." Alfred hung up, leaving me to inspect what exactly had happened. I checked every possible way she could've gotten in, but all the ways involved property damange and there simply wasn't any. She had to of picked the locks on the door. So, why wasn't she showing up on the cameras I had of the floor? I replayed it over and over. There was nothing out of the usual.

Wait. A slight flicker at 11:45 pm. I replayed the footage. Yes, it was there. How had I not noticed it? It was so obvious. The screen shimmered for a split second and then went back to normal. It was a small tremor, but once you saw it, it seemed so clear. She must've hacked the cameras so she wouldn't be seen. The only floor with the tremor was mine, so she must've fallen through from the cieling. I opened my door and looked at the cieling. I had a vent right above my door which lead to the main ventilation cut off on the roof. I thankfully had installed a single camera on the roof. And there she was, gliding onto the roof. I sighed and saved the footage to a folder on my computer.

"Well, I should get dressed," I told myself, packing my essentials in a suitcase. I slipped on a air of jeans and a simple t-shirt and hopped on my motorcycle.

"Dick! Well, well. Looks like an over night stay," Tim opened the door and stood in the doorway. I nodded and laughed, trying to push past him. He stood in my way. "Oh, you're not going in," he smirked, challenging me. I put my bag on the steps behind me.

"Alfred, will you get that while I handle Drake?" I crossed my arms and lundged toward Tim. I tackled him down out of the door and onto the wooden floors. His foot made contact with my face, making me fall back and off of him. He stood up and mockingly nodded for me to come closer. I did a roll toward him and swiped at his feet. He fell to my level and carried a small table with a pot down with him. He jerked his head to the side before the ceramic pot could smash on his head. We both stood at the same time and threw multiple punches towards each other. Neither of us made contact until he socked me right in the jaw. I staggered back and he quickly gained the distance, jumping and hitting me in the cheek with a superman punch.

"Off your game," he called, kicking me in the side. I grabbed his ankle before it went back to the ground and tossed him down the hallway. He spun around on the floor like a hockey puck before crashing against a table.

"Sorry, Tim, but no one can beat me in a fight," I offered him a hand up. He rubbed his neck and laughed, nodding up at me.

"Let's get in the ring, then, Grayson," Bruce's deep voice filled the room as he seemed to appear out of nowhere. I chuckled and slapped his back.

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