Chapter Fifty Four

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-Athena's POV-

I woke up in perhaps the last place I wanted to be.

Well, Ra's Al Ghul's castle of Honor Island would probably be the last, but I also dreaded where I was.

The room was dark and empty. I had woken up at perhaps four in the morning, just after Batman returned from duty. The noise of the person in the room beside mine was maybe the thing that woke me.

I jumped out of the bed and quickly reached for my uniform. Unfortunately, I had moved all my equipment to my safehouse. Carefully and quietly, I tiptoed out of my old room and onto the wooden floors of Wayne Manor.

I snuck past Dick's room, not even offering a glance inside. I luckily had brought my wrist-computer and used it to disable to security on the door, allowing me to sneak out. Since I hadn't planned to be brought to my ex's house, I didn't have a vehicle to get back into the city. I took a peek at the time and decided to run for it.


After arriving at my place, I showered and changed into my uniform as quick as possible. I didn't waste any time getting to the Watchtower.

I wasn't surprised I was the first one there. It was nearly six a.m. and a lot of members had school or jobs. I rebooted all the computers and got everything in order. I worked out until the Team leader showed up.

Aqualad rubbed his eyes, not realizing I was there. He wasn't in Atlantean clothes -- which surprised me -- but rather a pair of sweatpants and no shirt. I watched him silently as he went to the computers. His hands reached out to turn them on, but he jerked back when he realized his job had already been done.

Kaldur's eyes opened widely once he saw everything that needed to be done was done. He snuck around carefully as if looking for someone. I followed him as he moved. When he went around a corner, I temporarily lost him and moved to follow. Just as I did, he jumped behind me and held a water-controlled knife to my throat.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" He growled into my ear. I smirked to myself and grabbed his arm. I flipped him over my shoulder, landing him flat on his back. Swaggering over, I stared down into his face.

"It's really been that long, huh?" I said, putting a hand on my hip. Kaldur laughed and stood up.

"I am sorry, Athena. I am still recovering from sleep," his eyes looked like they were going to close, "excuse my mistake."

I patted his bare shoulder. "Perhaps I could help you wake up." I wiggled my eyebrows and grabbed his hand.

"Where are we going?" Kaldur asked, letting me pull him like a doll.

"To wake you up."

"Can you not give me some of your coffee? We do not make it in Atlantis, but it always wakes me up," he said, a yawn breaking up his sentence.

"Coffee stunts your growth, now here," I tossed him lightly into the sparing room, "let's practice."

Kaldur slouched and let his arms dangle at his sides. "I do not want to," he mumbled, closing his eyes. I knew a hangover when I saw one. I kicked his side and swiped at his feet, knocking him to the ground. He groaned. "Ow! Why did you do that?" He shouted.

"If you won't fight, I will." I bounced on the balls of my feet like a boxer, mimicking jabs at him. Kaldur shrugged and walked towards me, throwing a weak and slow punch. I blocked it fast and hard, grabbing his wrist and flipping him over me once again.

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