Chapter Ten

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-Athena's POV-

I unlocked my door and tumbled into the chair seated at my computer. My knee had a thin cut on it from my katana, but I had cut deeper than I thought I would. The wound was bleeding and every muscle screamed at me to stop moving when I walked.

"Alert, systems were disturbed when someone attempted to penetrate the firewall," my computer warned me, showing the footage that it had recorded while in sleep mode. I suspected that Grayson would break into my room and try to find more about me on my computer. He had left right before I walked in the door, which was surprising because I thought I would've detected him.

"Disarm safety protocols using key password," I spoke the password and began stitching my cut up. The computer opened up as I had instructed. "Well, if he took the bait then we'll just have to wait for him to come to me." Yes, I had planned the whole thing. I was hoping that Grayson would listen to my threat, but I had to be prepared that he wouldn't. "Computer, call Ra's Al Ghul," I ordered, standing up and stitching my costume back. I had bought the Nomex from an old scientist who used to work for the League right after I had ditched Nightwing.

"Athena, how did the plan go? Is everything on schedule?" Ra's asked, popping up on my monitor screen. I bowed in respect and smirked.

"Of course it did. Nightwing is know aware of the fake documents that you so graciously set up under my cover identity, Victoria Smith. I thought he was a bit smarter than what you percieved him to be, but nope. He thought that his 'lucky head but' was why I cut myself. I can't imagine any situation where he didn't find all my other covers, but I don't think that will phase his decision in thinking I am Victoria Smith. I thank you for the back up documents, but I am perfectly capable of creating them myself," I laughed, removing my mask. "No doubt Nightwing will no longer be a threat once he meets me as Victoria. I plan to poison him." The vial of green liquid rolled around on my desk.

"Understood. Make it look like an accident. The Batman will be very angered if he finds out that you killed his precious Robin. Trust me, you do not want to be on the wrong side of Batman," Ra's clapped his hands together as if to end the conversation, "just get rid of anything in your way of the mission you've been trained your whole life for." The call ended and I sat, thinking about what he said. I had been trained most of my life to complete this mission, to take out the people who killed my family. They were the ones who made me what I was. Ra's had explained to me that my father was caught pick-pocketing one of the main members of the Black Sharks and had paid the price for it. His family was murdered, all of it, just becaue he wanted a couple bucks to support his new born baby and eight year old daughter. Ra's told me the only reason they took me was to torture me, because I was my father's most precious possession. The Boss wanted me to be broken and destroyed just because my father loved me so much. Now it was my job to destroy them.

I awoke from a dreamless sleep early in the morning again for training. I made my way around the city to get a better idea of my enviroment. I stopped in front of one of the tallest and most powerful looking buildings in Gotham. Wayne Enterprises. I had researched the company and hacked into their files and plans. The company was the most powerful and richest companies in Gotham. Wayne Enterprises wasn't a corrupt place, especially with Batman, I mean Bruce Wayne running it. The only thing out of the ordinary was in the Science and Weapon departments. Some guy named Lucuis Fox was creating some high tech things and Wayne Enterprises was funding it in secret. It took me a while of constant hacking to break under the cover Bruce Wayne had set up for Fox's work to stay quiet. I recognized the famous Batmobile in the collection of things Fox had designed and automatically understood why Wayne Enterprises was hiding it.

So this building was the source of everything. The railways were all connected to this building and the richest man in Gotham was also connected. Maybe I should visit Wayne Manor, I thought. Pulling up the coordinates on my wrist computer, I ran toward the house. It took awhile to get there, since the idiot's house was on the outskirts of Gotham City. I stood in front of the gates and searched for operating computer systems in the area. All the computers were coming from the house but I knew that would be too easy. I searched for firewalls protecting hidden systems and found one that wasn't broadcasting from the house. Smirking, I began working at decoding the shield that Batman had tried to hide it with. There must be somewhere secret under ground that Batman hides his computer.

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