Chapter Twenty Nine

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-Athena's POV-

I finished running checkups on everyone involved and pulled up the four cameras attached to the two runners, Flash and Kid Flash. Both had one camera on the front and one on the back.

"Let's go save Wally West," I announced. The two Flashes nodded and took off into the Speed Force. The cameras caught it -- luckily -- and everyone in the room was given a view of the Speed Force. It was just like Professor Zoom had described. There was a red tunnel with vibrant yellow shock bolts coming off it. The bolts looked very unstable, something I don't remember Zoom saying. I immediately guessed it was because there was a missing Flash.

"Okay, we're in the Speed Force," Barry reported. I looked down at my map and confirmed with what they were saying. As I looked back up, I noticed they had entered the tunnels.

"Take the right turn going at the desired speed. That tunnel is full of powerful energy, so be careful." Barry and Bart did as I told them. The cameras starting getting fuzzy and bright as they sped up.

"Hey, what's happening?" Artemis asked, worry filling her voice. I tried to stabilize the cameras, but it was all for not. In a matter of seconds, the cameras went black.

"The high energy shut off the cameras and microphones. It's up to them now," I didn't turn around from the monitors. I was hoping the cameras would magically turn off, but I of course knew they wouldn't.


-Bart's POV-

"Nightingale, come in. Hello?" Barry repeated into the microphones as we ran. Nothing. "Looks like we lost connection. We're on our own." I sighed as we broke out of the Speed Force.

We were what looked like the exact same place we started in, inside STAR labs. "It didn't work!" I shouted angrily. Everyone was gone and the monitors were off. I shoved through the door, feeling like I had a mountain pushing down on my shoulders. I realized I also walked a bit slower.

"Bart, wait!" Barry called. I stopped and looked up at him. He looked up at the sign to the labs. I followed his gaze.

"STAG labs?" I looked around at more of the place. Everything else looked the same. Something felt off, though. My head felt like it was going to explode from the massive headache I had. "Ugh," I moaned, sitting down.

"What's wrong?" Barry sat beside me and felt my forehead.

"My head hurts."

"I feel the pressure as well. I think we might actually be in the parallel universe. It would explain the amount of pressure effecting us," he said, "all the high amounts of energy." He grabbed my hand and led me behind a building. We changed into our normal clothes and approached a man.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Pentral City, duh," he said, pushing past me.

"You mean Central City."

"What?" The man walked away, ignoring I even talked.

"I think you're right, but how are we going to find Wally?" I followed behind Barry as he walked a familiar path back to his house.

"Wally always talked about moving out of the dorms after college and moving near us. So, Iris would know," Barry said. We knocked on the door and out came Iris.

"Hey babe," she kissed Barry's cheek, "I thought you were going to the store?" She looked at us both weird. I smiled awkwardly as she continued to study us.

"Well, I wanted to take Bart to school and go to Wally's house, but I forgot the way. Can you give us directions?"

"Um...he just lives two blocks away. What's wrong Barry? You're acting weird..." Iris picked up her baby and cradled her in her arm. Barry smiled and looked at the child. He pulled back and took the directions Iris had written down. He grabbed my arm and led me away. "Barry! Barry! What's wrong!"

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