Chapter Forty Eight

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-Dick's POV-

After a tiring obstacle course, Victoria suggested to call a helicopter to take us back to the city instead of walking all the way back. I had to agree with her. We were both cold, tired, and ready to be in the comfort of our beds.

"There they are," I pointed to the helicopter as it came in for a landing. My hair whipped in my face, making it difficult to see. Victoria had the smart idea of braiding her hair before the course. She strode to the helicopter and got in the doorless side like it was nothing. Most girls I dated would never do something like that. But, of course, I hadn't dated a normal girl since before I was Robin.

I sat behind Nightingale, my feet hanging out of the helicopter. She didn't even hold onto the handle. Her legs dangled as she stared straight ahead. Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm. She must've been lost in thought. And by her frozen state, it must've been a sad thought. I grabbed her shoulders to maybe jerk her out of it, but she sat still. Her eyes were wide and unfocused. Victoria looked afraid.

"Vic," I shook her harder, "Vic!" She tensed and swung her head to look back. Her eyes got even wider when she saw me. After a terrifying second, her shoulders dropped and her eyes softened.

"I'm okay," Victoria said curtly, turning back around. I grabbed her hand and held it between both of mine.

"What was that? It was like you were on fear toxin or something." I shrugged and made her face me.

"It was nothing. I'm fine."

I took a moment to think back. It wasn't the first time I had seen Victoria do something like that. She had often gone off in her own head, staying silent and looking pained. "This is common for you, isn't it? What are you seeing?"

She rolled her eyes and aggressively ripped her hand from mine. "I'm just thinking. Nothing more. When I say I'm okay, I'm okay," she scolded. I watched her carefully as she turned back. Her breathing had quickened, but seemed as if it was trying to go back to normal. Her shoulders shook and a hand was pressed to her forehead. I had always been good at studying people. Whatever Victoria saw, it was something that she had tried never to think upon. It was something she never wanted to see.

When we were finally over the city, Victoria stood up and grabbed a parachute. The pilot looked back briefly. "What are you doing!?" She asked. Victoria winked and climbed out onto the landing gear.

"It's called wanting a thrill!" Nightingale called over the wind. I saw her escaping form as she dove off the side. I quickly rose to my feet and raced to the side. She was doing corkscrews in the air. I could vaguely make out the laughs that escaped her lips as she fell through the air.

"Thanks for the lift," I said to the pilot. She tried to protest as I pulled on a parachute.

"You could've told me you wanted to skydive!" I screamed, maneuvering to reach Victoria. She flipped over, smiling up at me.

"That ruins the purpose of being mischievous!" Victoria put her arms out and pretended to make a snow angel. I laughed and dove to get to her level. I was glad she had managed to get the nightmare she saw earlier out of her head.

Victoria continued to fall through the inky night sky. Stars danced around her as we got closer to the large city. It was the only urban area outside the jungle, which was still miles away. The lights from the city casted a neon orange color below us. I saw Victoria's eyes close as she let the air blow past her face. Seeing my chance, I dove over to her, tugging her body into my arms. Her eyes shot open as she began to squirm. Her movements made us do turns through the air. Eventually, she stopped. Her eyes met mine as we fell headfirst towards the city. The clear blue in her irises reflected the star filled night sky. I kissed her on the nose, making my way towards her lips. Before I could make contact, she pulled her parachute. Immediately, she shot up above me. 

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