Chapter Eleven

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-Athena's POV-

I blinked my eyes open and let my head flop on my left shoulder. My eyes began to focus and then I realized I was tied to a chair. I smirked and looked around. I was inside what looked like a massive cave with tech litering the whole thing. In front of me was a huge computer, behind me was a platform with cars on it, on my sides were lofts will cases of costumes on it. I glanced up and saw millions of bats hanging from the cieling. One huge bang could wake them and unleash them upon everyone. If only I could get to my utility belt...

Batman along with Robin and Nightwing all stood at the computer. Batman was researching something while the other two looked on. I felt that they had taken the vial and my dagger. I wasn't completely trapped, but it would take a few moments of distraction to break my way through the ropes that held me. I could use my heel to maybe cut the bonds on my legs and then I could use my heel to break the ones on my hands. Simple.

I loudly cleared my throat and the three turned around. "She's awake," Nightwing called, standing about two feet away from me. Batman still stood at the computer while Robin followed behind Nightwing.

"Aw, look how cute. The third Robin in his little cape," I mocked, looking at Robin. He glared and stood his ground. "Oh come on! He is cute!" Nightwing held the vial of poison in his hand with a smirk on his face.

"You were trying to poison me, huh?" He tossed it towards Batman, who caught it without looking. I raised an eyebrow.

"Was that supposed to impress me?" I sat back in the chair, rubbing my wrists against the chair to try to break the bonds with some friction. Nightwing just laughed after he realized what I was doing.

"You're not gonna break through rope by rubbing a chair," he taunted, stepping a little closer. I looked him in the eye and smiled a smile that was a little too cheesy to actually be real. "We brought you into the Batcave to talk to you about the recent events we suspect you have been involved in."

"If you wanted to talk, you could've just talked to me on the dance floor, Grayson," I smirked, looking over at Batman. He had stopped typing and now was pulling up a file on the computer. I looked at it and tried to read it, but his body was blocking it.

"Well, that's why I tied you down. Because we knew you wouldn't follow the program if we gave you a choice," Nightwing said, removing his mask. Again his blue eyes seemed to glow. I felt a blush creeping up, but I tried to fight it. His eyes were like the color of the god damn ocean.

"Get on with it then. I'm getting bored," I sighed, blowing a stray piece of hair out of my face. Robin was staring at me, studying me. I pretended to bite the air, warning him to stop like a wild dog would. He crossed his arms and turned around.

"We know you have been taking out Black Sharks members as Nightingale in search of the Boss," Batman said, his deep voice making me shiver. I wasn't scared of him, it was just a signifigant difference from the voice I heard Bruce talk in earlier.

"Yeah, so? I'm doing Gotham a favor, I'm doing what you refuse to do. What all of you refuse to do! I'm taking the people who cause this city's problems out, permanently. I'm not a criminal, I'm doing Gotham a favor," I exclaimed, glaring at Batman. He narrowed his eyes again and pulled up a file that I could actually see.

"We need to know which side you are on, Victoria. The day you showed up, the Joker came out of hiding and robbed an art musuem. That's not a coincidence," Batman moved aside as I read what was on the screen. This Joker guy had stolen some bird picture after he had escaped from some asylum years ago.

"I don't know who that even is," I stated, examining the guy. He had white skin and green hair. He wore red lipstick on his lips that curved on his cheeks, making it look like he always had a smile on his face. He had long, yellow teeth that looked like a rat's teeth and wore a purple suit. This guy was weird.

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