Chapter Forty Seven

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-Athena's POV-

I stood up and rolled out of bed. I tugged on a pair of sweatpants, heading towards the door. As soon as my hand touched the doorknob, I heard the window slide open.

"Leaving so soon?" Dick slid in from the window, smirking. He was clad in his Nightwing suit. I had woken up at ten -- which was pretty late for me -- so Dick must've rose before the sun did. I was mostly surprised by the fact I hadn't realized he left.

"I was actually. Don't take it personally. Last night was great," I walked towards him. Dick chuckled, patting my head. When he went for a hug, I rejected him. "Sorry, Grayson, but I have places to be."

"Oh yeah, me too. I have half a mind to take you out to breakfast. Ever been to Pancake Palace?" He pulled off his Nightwing top.

"Do I look like a girl who has been to Pancake Palace?"

Dick laughed. "Good point. Well, they have the best breakfast in Gotham."

"I could eat. I don't have work today, but I do have a ton to catch up on," I said, pulling out my phone. I had written down all the papers I had to pick up from my office. The Team birthday party had
seriously set me back. I had piles of work to do that I could've done yesterday. Who would've known being a Wayne Enterprise worker and superhero was so hard? Well, other than the obvious person who knew what it was like...

"By the way, Bruce is hosting his Christmas party tonight," Dick told me as we left his room.

"Alright. I'll drop a present by."

"No," Dick explained, "you have to be there. It's an image thing."

I rolled my eyes. "You're saying I get to be introduced with you Wayne boys this time? Oh boy!"

"Yep, part of the family! Gotham will see you as one of us, which is very important."

"Gotham still doesn't trust me? I've been to all of Bruce's public meetings."

"You are still new, relatively. On the brightside, Bruce's Christmas parties are way more fun than his Charity ball. Trust me on this." Dick wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off and stared up at him.

"Do I really have to go to another party?" I clutched my purse in my hand, feeling the outline of my utility belt tucked inside.

"Unfortunately. But, I have something to cheer you up. After breakfast and after we make a quick stop at Wayne Manor for organizing the party, I have a surprise for you. It's a late birthday present," Dick smiled, getting on his motorcycle. Since mine was still safely in Gotham, I got on right behind him.

Pancake Palace filled us both up with rich, sugary pancakes drizzled in it's famous Gotham maple syrup. I enjoyed two stacks of the fluffy food. Dick wolfed down at least twenty pancakes and two eggs. It was a typical Bat boy thing. Those boys sure could eat.

Dick and I went straight from the Pancake Palace to Wayne Manor. Christmas decorations already littered the outside. The hedges had shiny tinsel criss-crossing them and a giant christmas reef hung on the wooden door. Many other holiday decorations were hanging from the outside of the house. Even the columns holding it up were wrapped with pine needles.

"Good afternoon, Master Dick and Vic," Alfred said, "has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

"Yes it does," Dick nodded, "we're just here to help with anything."

"I think the decorators have their job down, but it would much appreciated for you two to help me in the kitchen. I insisted Bruce to never hire a cook for this joyous occasion." A truly happy smile lit Alfred's tired, old face up. I almost felt a tickle of Christmas spirit. Almost.

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