Chapter Forty Two

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-Athena's POV-

After we got back to Wayne Manor, we all headed out to the Watchtower. I made Dick go first, so he wouldn't be able to expose us being together. Tim followed, me taking up the rear.

When I got to the tower, I saw people already milling around. We were waiting for everyone to get here before squads were selected. Most people were taking the opportunity to train. They all gathered around the training area. When I walked towards it, the crowd split.

"Nightingale!" Roy shouted, "we've been waiting for you to get here!"

I laughed and flashed him a smirk. "Why?"

"We wanna fight you," Bart stepped forward, excitedly. I chuckled and dropped my guns outside the ring.

"Roy, watch those," I ordered. I took a step inside the white training area. "Who wants the first can of whoop ass?"

"I have an idea," Aqualad said, "let's split into teams and have a tournament. We have some time to kill, since we don't have any current missions, and we all need to train and let loose." Everyone mumbled in agreement.

"Let's have our two best fighters. Power vs. skill. Superboy against Nightingale." Bart crossed his arm, a smug smirk on his lips. I glanced over at Connor. He winked at me and then glared. Better get our game faces on if we were going to fight.

After the people went to which side they wanted -- I got M'gann, Artemis, Zatanna, Roy, Wonder Girl II, Aqualad, Rocket, Robin, and Bumblebee -- we lined up the fighting order.

"Hey, let's make a bet," Dick said, walking over to me. He had sided with Superboy, of course. I wasn't sure if it was because he genuinely thought I was going to lose, or if he just went with Connor because I was the opponent. "If my team wins, you have to kiss me in front of everyone."

"And when my team wins?"

"I'll kiss you in front of everyone." I scoffed and tossed my eyes back.

"So either way you would get what you want? No. When my team wins, and trust me will, I get to punch you in front of everyone." Dick wanted to make me seem loveable and claimed in front of all the members and I wanted to make Dick seem like a fool in front of his friends. Ever since we got to the Watchtower, he had been acting like he just got a brand new truck and cut down a tree with his bare hands. I hated when boys gloated and pretended they were so manly because they had a girlfriend.

"Deal," he smiled, kissing my cheek. I swatted him away and went back to my side.

"So, is it a tag team type of fight or...?" I asked, glancing at my team. I was in the back, saved as the last resort since I was the secret weapon.

"Let's fight until one side has no one left. People who have powers can't have weapons. And if you are down for more than ten seconds, you're out for your side," Aqualad decided. I nodded and patted the handle of my katanas.

First up was Bart Allen versus M'gann M'orzz. Bart tugged on his leg, stretching it. M'gann rolled her eyes and bowed in respect. Bart flicked his hand and ran towards her. He got a hit on her, knocking her to the ground before any of us could blink. Connor tensed up, but M'gann raised her hand. No doubt she was telling him something mentally.

She stood to her feet and raised her hands, her eyes glowing red. Bart stood still, his eyes shifting. For a moment, it looked like she had won. Bart began pumping his arms, which looked like it took a lot of effort. His legs began to catch up to his arms until M'gann started sweating. She eventually slumped down on the ground. Bart ran circles around her. He had tired her out. He had won.

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