Chapter Thirty Nine

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-Athena's POV-

When we returned to the Watch Tower, the whole Team and some Justice League members greeted us with claps and praise. I kept a solemn poker-face and walked straight ahead. Smiles lit up my team mates. I glanced to see my childhood idol -- Wonder Woman -- hugging Donna Troy. I felt a little jealous, but not at the fact that she had Wonder Woman as a mentor. I glanced around to see each Justice League member congratulating their younger counterparts. Even Batman patted Nightwing on the shoulder. Who did I have?

I seated myself in front of the computers. Every news channel was broadcasting about the young heroes who took down a corporation the world had been after for years. Quickly clicking to an Australian channel, I recognized some faces that were being filmed. The cameras were inside the shelter for the victims. The reporter walked over to a girl and she excitedly jumped up to the camera.

"It was her! She saved me!" The familiar young kid bounced up and down. I grinned as if I was seeing an old friend. Without all the dirt on her face, I realized how beautiful she was. The girl definitely would be a bombshell when she was my age.

"Who saved you? Miss Martian? Wonder Girl?"

"No! No! It was Nightingale! She's my hero!"

"Well, you heard it here. Nightingale, the new hero on the block, is a name to remember!" The reporter spoke to the camera before it switched back to the anchors.

"Good job," I swiveled around and stared up at Nightwing. He had a goofy smile on his face and his cheeks were red.

"I know." A smirk spread across his face.

"I wouldn't be so self-righteous if I were you. You did alert a ton of guards, went against Aqualad's order, and left the fight to us," Grayson accused, "but you did safely secure the victims, which is why I said good job. Not because you actually helped fight." I rolled my eyes and stood to my full height, which was a half a head shorter than Dick. He took advantage of that and rested his elbow on my head.

"Get off," I warned. Dick just kept his dopy smile and leaned on his elbow on the top of my head. I reached up and grabbed his bicep, flinging him across the room off of me. Nightwing laughed along with the bystanders who had been watching us.

"Nice attack," Princess Diana said, sending me a pleased smile. I nodded, trying to hide the excitement inside me. Wonder Woman was still the best superhero, but I didn't obsess over her like I did when I was seven.

After an hour of celebrating the Team's victory, the party started to disperse. The older heroes left first, followed by the younger ones. I hung around for a little while, keeping to myself at the computers. During the party, no one paid attention to me so I researched some Black Sharks business. Once the crowd started to thin, I switched to looking up everything I had missed since I dropped off the grid when I was eight.

Grayson approached me when Tim and Bruce left. He explained to me when and where the Charity Ball was happening and what I should wear. "This year is masquerade," he added, "so there will be a small table to buy masks before you come in."

"Masquerade? That is the most cliche theme ever. I wear a mask most of my day, why do I have to wear one to a party?" I asked, crossing my arms. Dick laughed and agreed.

"Last year was Kings and Queens. I don't think someone of your taste would've liked that much."

"Bruce wore a huge crown clad with shining jewels, didn't he?"

"Yeah...but he donated it after the party was over. Just be there at seven thirty ready to be in front of reporters and rich dudes." With that, Grayson turned on his heel and disappeared into the zeta-tubes.

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