Chapter Sixty One

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-Athena's POV-

I jerked awake. I sat upright, confused where I was for a moment. Taking a glance around, I saw Dick's shirtless body lying beside me. I smiled. I looked around looking for what woke me up. Glancing down at my wrist, the screen illuminated the entire room.

The screen was completely white except for some eerie words written in black text. I didn't read it at first, just stared at the computer in confusion.

Meet me at the top of Old Wayne Tower. Come alone, Athena.

It was very strange. I tried closing out of it, but nothing happened. Someone had hacked my computer. No one could hack my computer. Dick had tried and even Tim had, but no one in the Batfamily could. Not to mention the mention of my name. Everyone who knew my real identity wouldn't have to be so indirect. And everyone who knew my real name couldn't hack into my computer.

I had a bad feeling.

I changed into my Nightingale uniform. Dick hadn't moved from his position. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and left his room.

I didn't waste any time getting to the tower. Whoever knew my name knew my past. That kind of information is very powerful. I couldn't waste any time dealing with whomever called for me. I landed on an old gargoyle and looked around. I didn't detect anyone at first.

"Traitor," an oddly familiar voice spoke out through the shadows. I shivered and all my confidence drained. I heard him stalk closer to me, but I couldn't move. Fear coursed through me, making me sweat and gulp.

"Face me," Ra's Al Ghul threatened. I turned around. His face was stone cold and angry. I met his gaze for a brief second before realizing my place. Falling to my knees, I stared at the ground as he stood over me.

Other assassins closed in around me. I was so scared of Ra's Al Ghul's rath. In any other situation, the power I was giving the other assassins would make me angry. But, I was in so much fear, that it didn't bother me.

"Nightingale, you have failed your mission," his disappointment made my chest hurt, "You have trained all your life by many high-class masters.

"Not only have you failed your own personal mission, but have also lost your allegiance to the League of Assassins. Instead, you chose the Bat," Ra's spat and growled.

I looked up in defiance. "I did not choose--"

"Did I give you permission to talk, traitor?" He glared at me and I looked back down. "You betrayed everyone who trained you by befriending the enemy. So, you will need to in a way."

I nodded my understanding.

"You will come back with us to the League temple."

I gasped and looked up. I immediately met Ra's menacing gaze, but I refused to back down. He didn't look very happy. I stood up, leveling eye contact with Ra's Al Ghul. "No, I am not," I said, swallowing down my fear.

"Remember your place, Nightingale," Ra's threatened. I almost stepped down. Almost.

"I'm not going back to the League of Assassins. I belong here now." I didn't even take a chance to look around at all the surprised faces. I held Ra's look for the first time since I met him. I couldn't read his expression.

He laughed and patted my head. I flinched. "Oh, little Athena. I think you need to be more enlightened towards the situation at hand."

Suddenly, I felt scared again. "What do you mean?"

"You have made your decision, haven't you? You think that this..." Ra's glanced around at Gotham, ", is your new home. And even more, you think that the Bat and his sidekick are your allies!" All the assassins let out unusual and loud laughs.

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