Chapter Twenty Two

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-Athena's POV-

I sat down at the computers while everyone else crowded inside of the tiny hospital we had in the Tower. I wasn't friends with Dick--even if I was told to be--so I felt no need to be in there too. The computers needed tending to and no one else was doing it. The whole Justice League was a week deep in some kind of intergalactic mission. I was managing the whole entire Watchtower while Aqualad was checking on Nightwing.

"Hey Nightingale," Miss Martian appeared behind me, "will you take Dick home? You're the only one who knows where he lives and he needs to be resting at home." She placed her hand on my shoulder. I glared at her fingers, but she never removed them nor noticed I wanted them off of me.

"Why can't he stay here?"

"Because it's too dangerous and loud and hectic here. I bet he would be able to heal quicker in the comfort of his own home." I stood up and faced Megan, but she quickly took the chair I was sitting in. Usually, Martian Manhunter would be controlling the operations of the Justice League, so Miss Martian looked exactly like her uncle.

After everyone cleared out of Grayson's room, I went in to read his charts. He had a broken arm, broken toes, dislocated wrist, bruised knuckles, and a few broken ribs. Pssh, I've dealt with worse and went without sleeping for days. I wrapped his limp arm around my neck and lifted him off of the bed. He was heavy, but I was strong. I carried him all the way to the zeta-tube and entered the Batcave.

Wayne Manor was empty. Tim was back at the Watchtower, Alfred had taken an ordered vacation from Bruce, and Bruce was on a very lengthy Justice League mission. I walked all the way through the mansion until finally finding Grayson's bedroom. I lifted him up a bit higher, preparing to drop him on his bed, when I got a whiff of his scent. He was covered in dirt and mud, but he smelled like shit and roadkill. I almost wanted to throw up. I changed my course and went into the bathroom instead.

Nothing is too fancy for the Waynes. The bathroom looked like a god damned spa. In front of the silver sink, was a huge round mirror. The whole room was white with beautiful paintings on it. And then there was the bathtub. It was big and round, resembling a hot tub. Jets were on every bend. Above the tub was a square of water jets that would most likely rain down if turned on. This would be a perfect place to get rid of the living piece of filth I was still holding. I turned on the rain thingy and the faucet and dropped the boy into the cold, hard tub.

"Ow!" He screamed, jolting awake. I rolled my eyes and dumped soap in the tub. He looked down at himself and his eyebrows creased. "Wait, wait, wait. Why am I taking a bath in a full Nightwing suit?"

"Because you smell terrible and I didn't want to undress you," I replied, setting a towel down on the bench beside the bath. Dick's face returned to his normal glare and judging face once he realized I wasn't one of his friends.

"Well, you can leave now," he said, lifting his unbroken arm to gesture to the door. I quickly took my leave. I mentally screamed at my options. I had to make nice and seduce Grayson, but his attitude was driving me crazy. I hated him. Absolutely hated him. No doubt he would be in the bathroom struggling to remove his costume without two working wrists and arms. He had a cast on his left arm from the break, but his fingers were sticking out at the second knuckles. His other hand was completely useless without his wrist. Well, I should make him a food peace offering, I sighed to myself, and then help him clean himself.

I made some soup and poured some of his pain killers in it. I also got a glass of wine. Wine always helped me recover faster.

"Grayson," I whispered through the crack in the door, "I'm coming in." Shoving the door with the tray, I ignored his protests and sat in front of his personal hot tub. He didn't look happy. He had a fortress of bubbles that covered everything but his chest. He was using his cast to cover himself up, but he was failing.

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