Chapter Thirty Seven

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-Dick's POV-

The sun had gone down hours ago. The moon casted a pale glow on the land outside of my window. It glinted in through the glass, illuminating my face through the darkness. I stared helplessly back at the moon in the sky. Suddenly feeling restless, I pushed myself out of bed.

While making my way to the kitchen, I passed Victoria's room. It was empty and the door was wide open. I raised an eyebrow and checked the huge clock that loomed in the hallway. Almost four in the morning...

I continued past and stopped in the doorway. A dark figure froze as it stared back at me. A click echoed through the silence as the figure shifted. I flicked on the light to see a gun pointed directly at me. Victoria slowly lowered the gun and tucked it back into it's rightful place. She sniffled and I saw her swipe at her eyes. I barely recognized the gesture, since it was so unfamiliar on her. The rims of her eyes were shiny with unshed tears and her nose was red. She had tear trails staining her cheeks and a permanent frown stuck on her lips. Had she been crying?

I moved closer, barely even acknowledging where my feet went. It was like a magnet was pulling me in. Some force dragged me closer to the girl in front of me. Before I even knew it, my arms were wrapped around her as she pressed against me stiffly. Her arms stayed stuck to her sides. For a few seconds she let me comfort her. Victoria let me rub her back and tuck her chin into my chest. For a few seconds, Victoria became a girl I never even knew.

But, the moment of emotion had to come to an end. She firmly pressed her hands to my abdomen and shoved, hard. I didn't know she was that strong until my back met the marble floor with a painful bump. She turned away and gracefully glided to her room, the door closing behind her.

The next morning, it was like the night before never happened. Victoria had returned to her old self. She dressed in a dress suit this time, making me wonder where she ever had time to buy it. She smoothed the wrinkled fabric that bunched around her hips, causing it to flatten against her fit body. Her hair was pulled into a sleek ponytail and her mouth was curved into a cocky grin as she handed Bruce his coffee.

"What are you so happy about?" He asked, raising an eyebrow in suspicion. She flashed another chesire grin.

"Oh, nothing. Just excited for work is all." Victoria followed Bruce out, still looking like she knew something all of us didn't. I shrugged it off and got dressed in normal clothes myself. It was Monday after all and I needed to get to my new job.

Driving through Gotham was always a hassle unless the roads had been cleared. Which, they weren't. I eventually got to my destination, parking in front of the station. I straightened my tie and repositioned my hat before flashing the receptionist my ID. She blushed and let me through.

A man with a young face approached me. He smiled politely and stook out his hand. "Hello, I'm Gallon Malloy." I shook his hand gently and studied him.

"Are you my partner?"

"No," he laughed, "want me to take you to her?" Her?

"Uh, yeah. Sure. Thank you," I said, following Gallon. He led me through the police station and into the messy office of some officer.

"Here's the new rookie Commissioner told you about." Gallon quickly left as the person behind the stack of papers stood up.

"Hello Rookie, I'm Amy Rohrbach," she put her hand on her hip as she read a file, not even making eye contact.

"Dick Grayson, do I call you Officer or Sarge?" I cocked my head to one side and grinned.

"Uh, Amy will be fine, Rookie," Amy raised her eyebrow and regarded me like I was a piece of moldy food. "I'm working on a case now, so why don't you go get your office set up." With a flick of her head, she gestured to the a row of desks with monitors on them. I stalked over, taking a look at my partner. She looked three years my superior.

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