Chapter 1 (You're Moving In)

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Alissa POV

"Lets go crazy crazy crazy till we see the sun..." my phone started ringing.                                   

I groaned as I rolled to my side to see who was calling. I had been out late last night celebrating at a club with my friends. Summer had just started for us and we were off school offically yesterday. Maybe things had gotten a bit out of hand last night, but whatever I'm 18. I lived alone in my apartment since I didn't really want to live in a dorm.

"Hello" I groaned tiredly.

"Alissa Malik, we need to talk"

Oh no. It was my mom, I instantly sat up in my bed and cleared my throat. She couldn't have known about last night... I mean she's all the way in England.

"Yes..." I said afraid of what may come next.

"I had tired calling you all last night! Why weren't you answering" My mom demanded.

"Ummm, my phone was dead." I lied.

"Well, i just wanted to let you know that your brother and his bandmates are come to California for one year to do some business in America."

"Oh that's nice" I said yawning. I was on the edge of falling back to sleep.

"I want you to stay with them." My mom said

"With who?" I asked leaning back on my headboard.

"With your brother and his bandmates! Weren't you listening" My mom said speaking louder.

"Sorry, I'm just tired" I said yawning again.

"Alissa what were you really doing last night" My mom questioned.

"Nothing! What were you saying now?" I asked.

"I want you to live with your brother and his bandmates while they are in America." My mom said clearly annoyed by my lack of listening.

"What!" I said sitting back up. "Why??" I questioned

"Because it will be good for you, i can't imagine how you lived alone for one whole year." she answered going into complete mom mode.

"but..." I started.

"no buts. I've already told them." My mom interupted

"What about my apartment?" I asked.

"Oh you only have it for one more day, don't worry you can move all your things to you're new house that you're going to be sharing with your brother"

"Wait... When are they coming?" I questioned.

"In 2 hours"


"Oh yeah and you're picking them up" My mom said before hanging up.

You're kidding right. It's not that I didn't want to live with my brother and his friends, it's just that Zayn can be really protective, being the older brother and all. I knew my mom didn't trust me either, she was probably onto my partying ways. I sighed and got out of bed, this was all happening to fast, I only had one day left in my apartment... I decided I should probably get ready first since I have to pick up the guys soon. I quickly took a warm shower trying to wake myself up, I put on some make up to cover my tired eyes. Being to lazy to get dressed up I just wore a pair of white shorts and a blue tank top. I left my hair in its natural curls, I made myself a cup of coffee before leaving my apartment. The airport wasn't too far from where I lived so I was there in less than 20 minutes. I checked my phone, I was right on time. I walked to the gate that my mom had texted me to go to. I sat down on one of the chairs, rubbing my head. I didn't even know if they would recgonize me anymore, I mean a lot had changed since I moved from England. I'm not that shy girl anymore, try the exact opposite. California had taught me one thing and that was to live big. I looked up to see my brother and his friends walk through the gate.

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