Chapter 7 (Letting Go)

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Zayn POV

It killed me to see Alissa like this. Its been a day now since she last woke up. After Andrew had left she had woken up again but she was more angry that time and demanded to be let out. The nurses had to force her back to sleep because she was trying to rip the wires off her arms. Apparently if we let her rest she would remember everything again. Since she never suffered true memory loss, just a concussion. The boys and I had a meeting with the record label in an hour too, so I was really hoping that she would wake up soon.

"You can leave if you want, I'll watch her" Alex said walking into the room, she handed me a cup of coffee, which I really needed, I had stayed here all night.

I sighed "Yeah I should probably head out, Call me if anything happens though" I said getting up.


Alissa POV

I woke up again. Only this time I had remembered everything that happened. I remembered the sudden flash of the truck before it slammed into the side of my car, I remembered passing out right before the paramedics pulled me into the ambulance.

"Alissa" I head someone say.

I looked to my side "Alex.." I mumbled.

Her head looked straight up at me and she came closer "You remember?" she questioned.

"Of course I do, you're my best friend..." I answered

Alex then explained everything to me that had happened, apparently I had been in this hospital for 2 days and when I had woken up earlier I didn't remember anything. The doctor had said it might have been from the trauma and my concussion mixed together. I was glad though that everything had came back to me now though.

"Where is everyone?" I asked looking around.

"The boys are at an interview, since you were out 2 days we have been taking turns watching you" Alex answered.

All of sudden I felt memories of everyone visiting me flood my mind.

"Where is Andrew?" I asked, trying to sit up in my bed.

Alex was quiet. "He was here yesterday night, his flight is today. When he had first come he got into a fight with your brother cause you asked him to leave and he didn't want to"  Alex said looking at me with her sorry eyes.

How could this be happening.

"Alex, could you please do me this favour?" I asked.


'Drive me to the airport" I said getting up.

The nurses and doctor didn't let me leave that fast though. They had to go through another examination of me before I was given the ok. The whole time I stared at the clock we were going to be cutting it real close... As soon as they said we could leave Alex and I ran to the car, Alex drove to the airport while I tried calling Andrew, although he wasn't picking up.

When we go to the airport I ran right into the boarding area. I told Alex to stay in the car, this was something I wanted to do alone. I looked around in hopes to see Andrew before he boarded the plane. His flight could be leaving any moment and I didn't get to say goodbye.

The speaker made an announcement "All passengers to New York, boarding is now over".

My heart sank. I had lost my chance, I sat down at the nearest Starbucks table and slowly let tears stream down my face.

"Hey, are you ok?" I heard someone say.

I looked up to see a girl close to my age, she had black hair with brown highlights.

"Yeah, I guess" I said wiping my tears.

"Can I sit here?" She asked.


"My names Noemi" She said smiling as she sat down.

"Alissa" I answered. "Do you live here?"

"Yeah I was just dropping off a friend" She answered.

I sat there and got to know Noemi, she was really nice and outgoing. I even told her my whole story, who my brother was, how I had got into an accident and came here to see if I could catch one last chance to say goodbye to my boyfriend. She listend carefully and I appreciated it,  I really had needed to get this all out to someone. We didn't talk that long though because Alex was in the car, so instead we exchanged phone numbers.

When I walked back to the car I saw Alex was sitting there reading a magazine. "Hey how was it" She asked when I got into the car.

"I didn't see him, we were too late" I answered sighing.

"I'm sorry Alissa"

"Its fine, thanks for trying though" I said with a smile.

The rest of the car ride was silient. The boys still weren't home when we arrived. I was happy in a way, I really didn't feel like explaining everything to them. I told Alex that I needed to sleep some more. I went upstairs and fell asleep right away on my bed.

3 hours later I woke and thought about calling Andrew.. His flight should have arrived my now and I think I owed him that much. I dialed his number and he picked up almost right away.

"Andrew I'm sorry" I said right away. "I remember everything now"

"It's no big deal, and that's great. I was truely worried about you earlier" He answered.

We talked for 30 minutes, only now did I realize how hard it was to be far away from him, to only hear his voice and not see his face. I missed it and I wondered how we were gonna do this long distance thing.

"Alissa, I was going to call you later, but since we are already on the line I think we need to talk" Andrew said.

Its as I could read his mind from this side of the phone, I knew what was coming next.

"Alissa I love you, but I don't think this long distance thing is good for either of us. Look what happened to you 2 days ago. I can't bear in mind that it happened because of me" He spoke.

"It's not your fault..." I said.

"Yes, it is. If I didn't tell you the news on the computer and would have taken the time to come to you face to face, you wouldn't have gone out. I would have stopped you from just running out like that." He explained.

I knew he was right, this was hurting both of us. I remembered the saying If you really loved someone you let them go in hopes they will come back.

"Yeah, you're right" I said finally.

"I love you Alissa, and I always will" was the last thing he said before we both hung up.

"I love you too" I mumbled after I placed the phone on my dresser.

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