Chapter 31 (Last Night)

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Alissa POV

Today was our last day in Hawaii, we had all just finished having dinner at this local restaurant and were all now busy packing our bags. It felt weird to be packing, I didn't expect time to go by so fast. I realized I was going to miss the guys like crazy, and I wished I had come out more often to see them now.

I sighed as I fooled my last pair of clothes in the suitcase, I left a pair of clothes out for tomorrow's flight though. I zipped up the suitcase and rolled it so it was standing up near by door and sat down on my bed.

"Done packing?" Harry said appearing in the doorway.

"Yeah." I said forcing a smile.

Harry could tell there was something wrong, because his expression changed as well. He walked into my room and closed the door behind him.

"What's wrong?" he said sitting on my bed as he wrapped his arm around me.

"I'm going to miss you." I said leaning on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't worry, we will visit soon. And you will be busy auditioning for your movie, just watch time will fly by." Harry said trying to comfort me.

"I love you." I said looking at Harry.

"I love you too." He replied leaning in for a kiss.

This time the kiss felt different, their was so much emotion behind it. Maybe because we both knew this was the last night we would be spending with each other in a while. Harry's hands moved down to my waist as he gently laid me down on the bed, so he was on top. The way our lips moved together was like nothing else, never had I kissed someone with this much passion before in my life.

I had one hand on Harry's neck and the other in his curls. In the moment it felt like we couldn't be any closer to each other. I pulled Harry's shirt off and ran my fingers along his abs, they were perfect, he was perfect. Harry played with the buttons of my jeans, I knew where this was going...

I may have been drunk the first time Harry and I slept together, but I remembered nothing, to me this was the first time. Right now, everything felt right, it felt like we were meant to be together.


I woke up with the sun beaming on my face, I squinted as I tried opening my eyes. When I did I found myself cuddled in Harry's chest. I looked up at him and saw he was playing on his phone.

"Good morning beautiful." He said when he saw me awake.

I smiled "Morning."

Harry put his phone down and gave me a quick kiss.

"I love you Harry, last night was amazing." I said blushing.

Harry flashed me a cheeky smile "Hm I'm going to really miss you." he said as he tightened his grip around my waist.

"Shut up Styles." I laughed.

"Alissa?" someone knocked on my door interrupting my thoughts.

My eyes went wide, it was Zayn.

"Shit." I whispered getting out of bed and quickly putting my clothes on, Harry got the idea and did the same.

"Give me a minute Zayn." I yelled back.

When I finished changing, I quickly told Harry to hide in the closet. I looked around the room quickly making sure everything looked okay. I then walked over to the bedroom door and opened it, revealing Zayn standing there.

"Hey I was just checking if you were ready to go soon." Zayn said looking at me.

"Oh yeah, I already finished packing last night." I answered.

"Okay, and I also wanted to ask you if you saw Harry? He's not in his room and the guys don't know where he went either..." Zayn asked.

What was I suppose to say to that... I just said the first thing that came to my mind.

"He's at the beach."

"Why would he go there now?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know, he's weird okay." I said trying to sound convincing.

"Um, okay, well be ready in 2 hours." He said finally before walking away.

I closed the door and sighed that he didn't see Harry. I mean he knows we are dating, but still, there are some things that your older brother doesn't need to know.

"Oh, so now I'm weird?" Harry said as he came out of the closet.

I laughed "Weird in a hot way."

"Well if you say it like that, it doesn't sound so bad." Harry said wrapping his arms around me waist and kissing me on the forehead. "I better go get ready now."

"Okay, try not to get caught in the hallways, remember your not home." I laughed as he walked out of my room.

I couldn't believe we were leaving in two hours.

The boys were going to fly with us to L.A, where we would board off the plane and they would take a connecting flight to London.

I decided that I should probably take a quick shower before heading downstairs. After I changed into a blue ruffled tank, and black leggings. I left my hair out straight and grabbed my purse with my phone, earbuds, and other small items I bring on the plane.

I rolled my suitcase out the bedroom, and turned the lights off. I slowly carried my suitcase down the stairs, when I reached the bottom I left my bag near the others before heading out to the deck where I could hear everyone having breakfast

"Good morning." I said to everyone as I joined them.

"Morning." Everyone answered back.

I looked around at everyone, Niall and Alex were sitting with their feet in the pool, Kyana and Louis were laughing and eating at the table with Taylor, Liam and Harry, and Zayn and Noemi were sitting on the sofa swing.

I smiled at Harry and sat down next to him, putting some food in my plate. Liam and Louis were talking about how excited they were for their next tour, especially because the album had been a huge success.

"Alissa we just got the news, the tickets sold out in under 5 minutes for all the shows." Harry said with a smile on his face

"Congrats, you guys deserve it." I answered.

"I'm sure you will get the part for the movie as well." Harry said putting his arm around me.

I was happy and excited for the both of us, but I couldn't help but think that this wasn't going to be easy with our busy schedules.

************AUTHORS NOTE*******************

Hey guys,

I feel terrible that this update took forever to come.  I know at the beginning of this summer I had promised a lot more updates, but it turned out my summer was just as busy as the school year!

With my volunteering position, volleyball practises, spending time with friends and going on vacation for a couple weeks, I have been really busy! I hope you all understand :$

But I'm going to try to update another 2-3 times before school starts!

Anyways I hoped you liked this chapter, it wasn't the most interesting but it's kind of a filler before they part their ways for a bit.

I don't know if you guys have noticed but I'm also trying to add a song to each chapter!

Vote/Comment/Fan !


Alissa xx

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