Chapter 5 (Runaway)

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Alissa POV

I sat down on my bed and broke out into tears. I wish Zayn would just get used to the idea that I wasn't little anymore. Parts of me wished I could take back what I said but it had to be said. Zayn had just recently become so protective over the past 2 years, I missed when he wasn't so famous and more laid back.

"Hello" I heard someone knock on the door.

"Who is it" I grumbled laying back on my bed.

"It's Liam..."

I just sat there, great Zayn probably sent him to come and talk to me. Since Liam is probably the most sensible one.

"Alissa" i heard Liam say.

I got up and opened the door "What?" I asked.

"Just wondering if you were ok..." He replied.

I felt bad, I should be nicer to Liam, he's just trying to help. "Sorry..." I responded before sitting back down on my bed. Liam followed and sat down next to me.

"Look I just want you to know Zayn cares about you, your his little sister. And he's only like this because he doesn't want poeple to take granted of you because your related to him. He feels like he should protect you like that" Liam said finally after a while.

"I guess, but Andrew isn't like that" I said finally looking at him.

"Just give Zayn sometime, he's just shocked that your mom or you didn't tell him." Liam said getting up. "Now come down for dinner" he added with a smile before leaving.

"Ok" I replied.

Once Liam left, I just went through what just happened. When the band got together I became friends with Liam first. He's so nice and takes the time to listen to you, but he's also fun too. Liam was one of my best friends before I moved to L.A. Honestly it was like he was the only one in the band who tried talking to me when I lived in London, I guess it was the whole idea of me being shy and all at that time.

Before I went down for dinner I changed into a pair of grey sweatpants with a pink tank top. I tied my hair into a messy bun, I kept the necklace Andrew gave me on though. I went downstairs to the kitchen to see the all the boys "cooking", well Harry and Niall were cooking, the rest were throwing stuff at each other and laughing. A soon as they saw me they smiled. I avoided eye contact with Zayn and went over to Alex who was standing next to Niall talking.

"Hey" she said smiling at me.

"Hey, what are you cooking" I asked.

"Pasta" Niall answered.

"Its almost done" Alex added.

"Do you want me to do anything...." I asked looking around.

"You can set the table" Niall suggested.

"Sure" I answered.

I grabbed the plates and headed to the dinning room and started setting the table. I pulled out my phone and saw that I had a message from Andrew 'Sorry about leaving so soon earlier, got the impression that it wasn't the best time' I sighed and answered 'It's ok, brb gonna have dinner' . Just as I put my phone back into my pocket I heard someone enter the room. I looked up to see Harry.

"Hey, you forgot the forks"

"Oh ya sorry" I replied.

"No big deal" He said as he started to place them on the plates I had set.

"So how you liking California so far..." I asked trying to break the awkwardness.

"It's different, people are different here" He answered smiling. "Probably why you've changed so much"

"Changed?" I questioned raising an eyebrow at him.

He came up to me as he set the last fork "Good change" he said.

I just stared at him, not knowing what to say. He looked at my necklace that Andrew had gave me and twirled it in his fingers "Nice necklace" he said finally before letting it go and making eye contact as me.

Just as I was gonna say something Niall yelled "Dinner's ready"

He walked into the room with a huge pot of pasta and set it in the middle of the table. After that everyone started pilling into the room. Dinner was loud, everyone was talking about all the things they wanted to do while they were here, but for some reason I seemed out of it.

After dinner Niall drove Alex home (no surprise there) and I left the table saying I was tired. I ran up the stairs to my room and sat down on my bed turning on my laptop. I started getting a video message from Andrew. I quickly accepted it.

"Hi" I smiled as his face appeared on the screen.

"Hey, I wasn't completely able to tell you everything when I came earlier" he said looking kind of hesitant.

"What do you mean..." I said confused to where this was going.

"I'm switching universities to New York..." He said finally.

"What?! Why?" I shrieked.

"My grandparents are sick and my parents want me to be closer to home" He replied "I'm so sorry Alissa I should have told you the real reason for my visit there. I really love you though, but I have to do this".

Tears started to roll down my face. "I understand. I really do and I love you, but your family does come first. When do you leave" I said trying to put my best cover up face. I quickly wiped the tears that had started and tried to remain brave.

"The day after tomorrow, I just want you to know though that we can still talk to each other. And in the breaks and long weekends we can even visit each other" He said smiling.

The day after tomorrow... I thought. That was so close. I wish I just had more time. "Yeah" I mumbled still feeling shocked. "I actually have to go now" I said with a fake smile.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow" he said before we ended the call.

I turned off my computer before breaking into tears. It seemed as if everyone close to me were getting pushed further and further apart from me. I looked into the mirror and looked at the necklace, I took it off right away and looked closely only to notice there was something written on the back. One A stood for Andrew the other for Alissa, and on the back of both of them was engraved 'No distance can keep us apart' . I couldn't take it anymore, I speed down the stairs and grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter and rushed out the door with tears on my face.

I heard Zayn yell "Where are you going?"

I didn't reply, I was to angry to talk to anyone. I got into my car, when I turned it on I saw the guys come to the door and watch me speed off with a confused look on their face. I didn't care though, for now I just wanted to run away from everything.

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