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          I woke up a little while later, sitting up in Stiles' bed. "Hey." Stiles glanced over his shoulder to look at me. "How long have I been out?" I asked and he glanced at the time. "About an hour and a half." He replied.

          Stiles' hand tapped on the desk, "Okay, I have something to tell you something." He said and I sighed. "What is it?" I questioned, moving to the end of the bed. "You know how I joked about Scott being a werewolf yesterday?" He asked.

          I nodded lightly. "Yeah, why?" I questioned and he sighed. "I think I may have been right." He admitted and I shook my head. "Stiles, you're crazy," I said and he shook his head as there was a knock on his door.

          He opened it and Scott was standing there. "Get in. You gotta see this thing. I've been up all night reading- websites, books. All this information."

          "How much Adderall have you had today?" Stiles waved him off and I got out of his bed and pulled Stiles' chair out with him on it and sat on his lap. "I- uh, a-a lo-lot. Doesn't matter. Okay just listen." I flicked across the tabs he had open and skimmed across a few.

           "Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?" Scott asked. Stiles shook his head quickly, his hand tapping on the desk as he waited to be able to tell Scott what he believed.

           "No, they're still um, questioning people. Even Derek Hale." He revealed and Scott tilted his head slightly to nod. "Oh, that guy from the other day." He spoke as if he had only just remembered his name.

          "Yeah! Yes. But that's not it, okay?" Stiles said excitedly. I glanced at Scott and he was staring at Stiles. "What, then?" He asked it was obvious that he was getting frustrated with the other kid due to his ability to beat around the bush more than anybody I knew.

          Stiles sighed deeply and ran a finger over his head. "Remember the joke from the other day?" Stiles started and I rolled my eyes. Scott nodded slightly before Stiles continued. "Not a joke anymore. The wolf - the bite in the woods. I started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?"

            Scott instantly shook his head. "Should I?" He hesitantly asked. Before Stiles could reply I cut him off. "It's a signal. When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack." I replied, turning in the chair to face them fully.

          "So if you heard a wolf howling. That means it could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of them." I finished and Stiles rapidly pointed at me. Scott looked at Stiles for a second and then at me. I took a couple minutes to think about it. "A whole pack of wolves?"

      That was the reasonable response. Werewolves aren't real. And more importantly they definitely wouldn't live in Beacon Hills. Yet at the same time it made sense. My brother could hear amazingly, hence how he knew that Allison needed a pen. He could smell perfectly. Like the gum in Stiles' jacket. It all fit together.

          My twin brother was a damn werewolf. Of all things... a werewolf.

           "No - Werewolves." Stiles bluntly said causing Scott to scoff loudly and shake his head. "Are you seriously wasting my time with this? Dude, you know I'm picking up Allison in an hour." He grumbled.

          My mouth dropped slightly. "What? I didn't know that. I was not notified of any of that." I trailed off before aggressively shaking my head, "That's not the point. The point is, he's right, Scott. I saw you on the field today. As much as I want to say you're still an ordinary teenage boy with asthma it's not true. I get this year was supposed to be a new year new you but that was too new and too not you. It was amazing, yes but that was impossible." I rushed out, having to suck in a deep breath at the end.

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