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"You're lucky I was heading to the mechanic's." Stiles turned to me in his seat and I smiled lightly. "I'm sorry, I wouldn't have called you if I had thought about calling Jackson." He shook his head, "I don't mind Jayla. You don't have a car yet." He laughed lightly and I sighed, nodding. "Yeah I'm aware of that thank you for reminding me." He grinned and brought it into the mechanics.

We sat in the waiting room near the desk while the guy worked on the jeep. "Wait, here. I have to go see what this guy's doing." I nodded as he got up and left the room, going to the room where the mechanic was. He left and I texted Lydia. I talked to her for a few minutes but got distracted by Stiles' voice. "Oh. Nice. It's real sanitary. Quality establishment you're running here." He came in the room and wiped his hand on his shirt, pulling out his phone. I stood up and grabbed the door knob to close it, so the sounds from the other room wouldn't be as loud and some liquid stuff was on it.

"Ew, gross Stiles can I-" His phone dropped to his side and I turned quickly to see his hands shaking, slowly my hand went numb and I looked at it, it started shaking like Stiles' and he fell to the floor. My entire body felt numb and my knees were weak, they gave out and I fell, hitting my head on the metal seats that we were sitting on and I blacked out.


A light was shone in my eyes and I groaned, clenching my eye closed. "Jayla?" I opened my eyes slowly and saw a man standing over me with a flashlight in his hand. "Yeah." I sat up and immediately felt dizzy. "Whoa, slow down there. You took a hard hit on your forehead. Pretty deep gash."

"Will I have to go to the hospital?" He nodded and I sighed. "Is Stiles okay?"

"Who's Stiles?" I sighed again. A figure stood at the open door at the end of the ambulance. "He's okay Jayla. You hit your head, they want to take you to the hospital, just to make sure you didn't injury your head internally. Stiles will meet you there he has something he has to do first okay?" Stilinski had answered my question and I nodded. "Okay."

He nodded and shut the door of the ambulance. The sirens wailed as we drove there, I don't see what the big deal was, I could easily just walk in there, go to my mom and ask her to check out my forehead. Right when I was wheeled in mom ran over to me. "Jayla? Sweetheart what's happened?" I shrugged. "All I remember was that I was at the mechanics with Stiles. I must have fell and hit my head, they want to check my head."

She placed her hand on my cheek to check the gash on my right temple. "Let's get you checked out." I sighed and nodded. "Mom I'm fine. I just need to get my cut cleaned." She shook her head. "No, if you hit your head hard enough you'll definitely have a concussion."


"Jayla please." My eyes closed lightly and I nodded. "Okay." She smiled and kissed my forehead. She left my room that she had brought me to and I sat on the bed. This is a waste of time. I should be figuring out what happened. Why did Stiles collapse to the floor? Why did I lose the feeling in my hands along with the rest of my body before I passed out?

"Jayla, there's somebody here to see you." My head snapped up from my hands and nodded, as she moved out of the way to allow Stiles in along with Scott. "Hey." Stiles smiled lightly. "Hey, how's your head? The cut looked deep." I nodded and gently touched the cut. "Well it hurts, that's for sure. What happened anyways?"

"The mechanic got killed." Scott looked at Stiles with wide eyes. "Did you see what did it?"

"What about the whole 'going numb' thing? Aka the reason that we both collapsed to the floor."

He sighed and shrugged, sitting in the chair next to the bed. "Yeah, that I don't know yet. All I know is that there was some type of lizard thing that was most likely the reason the mechanic died. its eyes were almost like, reptilian. But there was something about them." He answered both questions at once and I raised my eyebrow at him confused. "What does that mean?"

ANCHOR ° S. STILINSKIWhere stories live. Discover now