you let it happen

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Scott dragged me to the abandoned train station that Derek stayed at just so he could talk to him about what happened earlier tonight. They were currently in the middle of a fight and I was sat on a bench in the back, my eyes were shut but I could feel somebody watching me. "Why are you staring at me." When I opened my eyes I saw Isaac sitting in the seat across from mine, his eyes were flicking over my face but he froze when my eyes opened.

"I- I was um, you just looked really peaceful when you're sleeping. Or well kind of sleeping." I nodded slowly and squinted my eyes and scrunching up my nose. "You're starting to sound weird Lahey. Get it together." He smiled lightly and I sighed before closing my eyes again. We had already been here half an hour so it was now around eleven and I was ready to pass out from exhaustion. "I could bring you home if you want. Derek's got a pretty hard head."

     "Yeah but Scott is the type of stubborn that if you push too hard he'll just storm off angrily. and with how this is going it might be soon." I was right, of course. Not even a full minute after I said that Scott stormed past me and I stood up wiping my hands in my shorts. "Well I'll be going. bye Derek. See ya Isaac."

     They gave quick waves before I ran off the train and to Scott. "hey what happened back there?" Scott shook his head,ignoring the question which made me scrunch my eyebrows. "Um, you can tell me you know that right?" He stopped outside and turned to me. "You don't have to know everything that's going on." My face fell instantly as I looked up at him. He sounded annoyed and closed out.

      "You would tell Stiles though wouldn't you." He sighed and stepped toward me but I stepped back. "Fine. I'll see you tomorrow." Before he could answer I turned and started walking towards the one person that could help.


     The walk there was longer than usual but it was only because I was slugging along. Half way there it started raining and I groaned loudly. "What the hell." By the time I got to his street I was soaked through my clothes and shaking. I jogged to his house and shut my eyes gently for a second seeing Stilinski's car in the drive way. "Oh god." Shoving one of my hands in my pocket I reached out and knocked on the door. It wasn't a long wait at the front door but I was desperately hoping that the younger Stilinski would open the door, usher me upstairs and maybe not let his dad know that I showed up drenched in rain.

       Instead the door swung open and Stilinski was standing there. Still in his police uniform, like Stiles I knew his work schedule just as Stiles had a slight knowing of mom's. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home?" I nodded and shrugged. "Scott and I got in a small fight. I got mad and walked off." He nodded and let me stand inside. "I'll get you a towel." A chill ran up my spine and nodded shakily. "Thank you." He patted my shoulder before turning to go up the stairs. "No problem." 

       I stood on the door mat and looked around the house I had grown way too used to. One picture caught my eye as I glanced over the array of pictures on the hallway table. It was one of Stiles, Stilinski, Scott, and me. But it was when we were younger, before his mom died. The carnival had came to town, which it never does. If it does it's there for a short time. A day or two at most. That day Stiles, Scott and I had begged our parents to go, Claudia and Stilinski only agreed to let us go if they were the ones taking us.

      Our mom agreed shortly after Stilinski explained that they would be going. No idea why we thought we would be able to go alone, we weren't even ten years old yet. "Here." My head snapped up at the sound of Stilinski's voice and I reached out to take it. "Thanks." He nodded and helped me wrap it around my shoulders, rubbing them to warm me up. "So care to tell me why you came here of all places? Or why you had a fight with Scott?" 

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