date with the biggest douche in beacon hills

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Earlier the next morning my phone rang. I rolled over in my bed and grabbed it, yawning. "Hello?" My voice was raspy and I cringed slightly. "Jayla? Did I wake you up?" I sat up and groaned slightly. "Yeah kind of but I had to get up anyways. You know for school. Wait, how did you get my number?"

Jackson laughed lightly on the other side of the line. "I have my ways. But um, can I ask you a question?" I smiled lightly and brought my legs to my chest. "Sure what is it?"

"Do you think you could come with me somewhere this morning? I-I don't want to go alone." Where could he possibly be going that he needs me to go with him. "Um, I guess. Why didn't you ask Lydia?" That's a good question. They're dating. He likes her more.

"I'd feel more comfortable if you came with me." I got up and opened the curtains to let the light in with my phone still to my ear. "Alright. When will you be here?" There wasn't an immediate answer but I got one a couple seconds later. "About ten minutes."

"Alright. Let me get ready."

"Okay. Hey Jayla?"

"Yeah Jackson?"

"Thank you."

I smiled lightly and shrugged. "It's no problem."

He hung up and I went to my closet and changed into skinny jeans and a purple shirt. By the time I got my backpack on and went downstairs I could see him parked outside. Quickly I wrote a note saying I already went to school with Jackson and ran outside.

"Goodmorning Jayla."

"Morning Jackson. Um, where do you need me to go with you? I-I mean not that I don't want to, I mean- I-I'm just kind of confused."

He leaned forward so I got a good look at his neck. "I have to have those checked out and I don't want to go alone." I glanced over at him and nodded. "Well you're not going alone. I'm right here." He looked over at me and smiled lightly.

"Thank you for this." I grinned and nodded. "It's no problem." He drove us to the hospital and I followed him in. "Hello how may I help you?"

"I'm here to have my neck checked out. I have an appointment." I stood awkwardly behind Jackson as he talked to a lady at the front desk. "Jackson Whittemore?" He nodded and the lady clicked away on her computer. "Alright. Right this way." Jackson followed the lady and I pointed to the waiting room. "I'm just going to sit out here."

Jackson turned around and grabbed my hand. "No you have to go with me." I bit my lip and nodded. "Alright." He held onto my hand as he followed the doctor. "What did you say it was that scratched you?" I watched Jackson as he took off his top and laid down on his stomach for the doctor.

"It was - it was just an animal. Look, can you hurry this up? I'm missing first period." I put a hand on his arm. "Just let him do what he needs to. You'll live." He looked at me and sighed, nodding. "Have you had trouble sleeping lately?" Jackson nodded. "Kind of. I've been having dreams."

I looked over at him again and bit my lip. "Dreams or nightmares?"

"Nightmares. About a fire. It's this - this house, and I can hear screaming - Wait, what does this have to do with anything?"

Suddenly Jackson's face looked like he had saw a ghost. "Jackson?" He didn't answer but his body was rigid. The doctor examined his neck and nodded. "All right, you can put your shirt back on. The scabs on your neck are nothing to worry about." Jackson sat up quickly and glanced at me. "So I'm alright for my game tonight?"

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