100K !!

2.7K 45 0

        THIS HIT 100K???? I'M GENUINELY SCREAMING. okay honestly, I can not believe that my story has made it this far. it's crazy how when I started this I was a Stiles girl, new to the Teen Wolf fandom and had a spur of the moment idea. 

       Thank you to everybody that ever commented, voted or even read. Also, not to get cheesy but honestly thanks Bri_The_Penguin for being with me through basically the entire time. And for checking my book reads more than your own. x 

      Is it bad that I'm legit tearing up over this because ha awkward. Anyways. Thank you so much and I would offer something in return but this is so overwhelming. 

       PS. I'll try and update Recovery tonight, just for all of you. *yes I used a gif of Brianna and I (sam and dean) up above*

      Thank you again. 


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