somewhere nobody will find us

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                     "Whoa, what happened here?" Scott pulled off his helmet as he looked around the parking lot. It was filled with ambulances, flashing their lights and the air was flooded with the sounds of their sirens. "I don't know, but you have the food right?" I held it up and smiled widely. "Of course I do." Every since the night at the motel Scott and I have gotten closer. Sure we were close before but his near death experience made him make more effort to have a 'better connection' as he said it.

        We help each other with our school work, granted it's usually me helping him, but it was still a real bonding experience. Scott grabbed the food from my hands and put me in front of him so we would take as little space as possible walking into the hospital that was swarming with people. As we walked through the door I saw mom look up and Scott lifted the bag of food and she smiled. "Oh, thank God. I'm starving." She took the bag and went to walk away but stopped and turned. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner."

         She gave Scott and I a quick hug as I glanced around the hospital. "Is everything okay?" Mom nodded slightly as she sighed, "Except for half the accident victims in a ten car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the E.R. attending not answering any of his pages, yeah, I'm okay." Scott looked at mom confused. "What does not answering pages mean?" Mom glanced around the emergency room at all the people groaning in pain. "It means that nobody can find him, so now we have to wait for the on call to get here."

     As she said that a patient came up to her, holding her arm. "Miss." Mom turned around instantly, nodding. "Yes?" Her face screwed up in pain and K felt my mouth tug down into a frown. "Excuse me, can I please have something for the pain?"
      Mom shook her head slightly with a frown now prominent on her face. "Okay, I'm sorry. I know. But, actually, giving you something could complicate things, so we really just need to wait for the doctors okay?" The lady nodded sadly and went back to her seat and I tapped Scott's arm. He glanced at me and I nodded over to the patient. "Help her. Do that pain thing."

     He nodded and sat next to the lady as he did that. "Someone- someone help me! I need help!" My head snapped over to the door and Ethan was there holding onto Danny. Instinctively I ran over and put one of Danny's arms over my shoulder to help get him to a seat.

     "What happened?" Ethan stood up as we sat Danny down and he looked at me. "I don't know. He said he was having chest pains and trouble breathing, but it- it just kept getting worse." I frowned tightly and nodded. "His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's tension pneumothorax."

     As soon as she said that Danny sat forward, throwing up all over the floor. Ethan pushed me back away from the puddle and I scrunched up my face. "Mistletoe." I nodded and turned quickly. Mom had us bring him into a back room and lay him on the bed. "Can you three go back in the waiting room?"

     "where are the nurses and doctors? Where is everyone?" Mom sighed and I stood next to Scott. "It's a full house tonight. They're tending to other patients."
     "Mom. what can we do to help?" She turned to me and shook her head. "Honey you can't. His lung is collapsed. His heart is being pushed against his chest cavity so-"

     "He's gonna die isn't he." Mom shook her head and sighed. "No. No he's not. Scott, you grab the tape. You grab those scissors and cut his shirt open." I nodded and grabbed the scissors, quickly used them to cut off Danny's shirt. "Wait, mom. He isn't breathing."

     She glanced up at me as she held a huge needle in her hand. "Yes sweetie I know I know okay?" She jabbed the needle into his chest and I stepped back slightly. She filled the syringe and Danny started breathing again. "Thank you." Danny's voice was light as I gazed up at her. She nodded, "No problem. What?"

ANCHOR ° S. STILINSKIWhere stories live. Discover now