alpha pack

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          Lydia sat in the front seat next to Stiles and I was sat in the back seat as Stiles drove to where Scott told him they would be. "Stiles can this thing go any faster?" He nodded and sped up the jeep and taking the sharpest turns. We finally got to the warehouse and Stiles crashed through the wall and hit the kanima, making me let out a scream. "Did I get him? Whoa!" Lydia jumped out of the jeep quickly running over to Jackson. "Jackson! Jackson." Stiles got out and stepped towards her. "Lydia."

          I held out my arm and shook my head. "Let her." He sighed and nodded, stepping back as I watched Lydia walk over to the half kanima, totally naked Jackson. He stood in front of her as she held his key out to him. His face was expressionless as he looked at the key and I pulled my lip in-between my teeth as Jackson's eyes flicked between the key and Lydia. "Do you - do you still -" Lydia nodded quickly. "I do. I do still love you. I do, I do still love you. I do. I do. I do still love you, I do."

           My heart fell into my stomach as I swallowed the lump that formed in my throat. It's Lydia. It's always been Lydia. It will always be Lydia. Like Scott said, she's better than me, smarter, prettier. I turned away from the two as they hugged and squeezed my eyes shut, trying to keep my breathing even and the tears in, not letting them possibly fall out. Arms wrapped around me and I lifted my head slightly seeing Stiles.

            I hugged him back but didn't let myself start crying. He patted my shoulder as he let go of me and turned to Lydia again. She had placed Jackson on the ground and Stiles started towards her. Jackson twitched slightly on the ground which caught the attention of everybody. Jackson slowly stood and he growled loudly. His eyes were bright blue and he had the fur on his face. "Jackson?" Lydia ran up to him and hugged him causing both Stiles and I to back up slightly and we bumped arms, I grabbed onto his arm as I sighed, leaning my head onto his shoulder.

       He laid a hand on my arm and sighed as we watched Jackson and Lydia. It's strange really, that Stiles was so in love with Lydia, while I liked Jackson and there they were dating and being in love with each other. Stiles grabbed my shoulder and guided me to the jeep as he got in and we drove to the Stilinski house. "You alright?" The entire ride I was silent and just stared out the window and I could practically feel the anxiety radiating off of Stiles.

      "I don't know." My reply must have shocked Stiles, he turned to me with his mouth open but shut it before sighing and stopping at the street which decided if you wanted to go to his house or mine. "Want to stay over tonight?" I nodded slowly and glanced up at him. "Please." He pushed his eyebrows together and pursed his lips together, hardly smiling. "Okay." His voice was light, as if his voice would crack into pieces if he spoke louder. He turned to the left and took all the necessary turns it took to get to his house.

        Stiles got out before me and I just sat, staring blankly in front of the jeep. It was dark out and the moon was a bit less than full. The door on my side opened, causing me to jump as I turned to Stiles. "Come on Jay." He grabbed my hand and guided me up the walkway. When we got inside I went right up to his room and fell onto his bed, stomach first. My chest tightened up and I grabbed one of Stiles' pillows, holding it to my chest and letting out a sob. The door opened and I felt the bed dip down beside me. 

         "Hey, come here." He gently grabbed my arm to sit me up and turned, facing me, pulling me into a hug. I leaned into his chest and put my forehead against his shoulder as I started shaking, crying heavily. He slightly rocked us back and forth as I continued to wet the sleeve of his shirt. "I'm getting your shirt wet." He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. "It's okay." I lifted my head off his shoulder and laid back, pulling Stiles down with me. 

         He put his arms around me and puled me so I was against his chest, him facing me and I facing him. My head was against his chest and he had one arm around my waist and the other running his hand through my hair. He kissed my forehead as I fell asleep with tears streaming down my cheeks.

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