Bad dreams

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        "Jaylaa. I know you can hear me." No. No I'm not supposed to hear his voice anymore. "No. You're not real. I'm hearing things." A hand grabbed me shoulder and spun me around. The eyes. Peter was standing in front of. His half burnt body and his eyes were glowing. "I'm very real Jayla. And you know it. I need your help." I fell back onto the fall and he wolfed out over me. The backdrop changed to the school stairs just like the night at the school.

         "Get off me." His claw came up and touched my cheek. "I'm your alpha. You don't tell me what to do." He growled and bared his teeth at me, triggering a whimper to leave my mouth. "I'm not a werewolf. You're not my alpha." He  reached up and put his hand around my throat. "Scott's my beta. You're his sister. You're my beta now." I cringed and tried to get away from him but he dug his nails into the side of my neck.

           "No. no, no." He growled at me again and went down to my side and bit it. "Ah, Scott. Scott no." Scott came out of nowhere from the top of the stairs. "Jayla. Jayla oh god, Jayla." He ran down the stairs but Peter brought his hand up and the claws went into his chest. "NO. SCOTT." He dropped to the floor behind me as we ended up in the cafeteria. "Y-you killed him." Peter looked at me and he had a smirk on his face. "No. You did." I looked down and there were claws coming out of my hand and they were covered in blood.

           My brother's blood. "No. This isn't real. I'm not- I'm not a werewolf." He lunged at me and dug his nails into my neck again. This time going across my throat.


            I sat up quickly, gasping for air. My forehead was sweaty and I wiped under my eyes, obviously I had been crying. Lydia's alarm went off and she sat up, stretching and looking at me. "Oh, good morning Jayla. Almost forgot you stayed over last night." I smiled lightly and rubbed my eyes. "Good morning Lydia." She smiled and got out of bed. "I'm picking out your outfit today, I'm pretty sure we're the same size." I nodded and stood up, out of her bed.

          She left the room for a few minutes and when she came back, she went straight to the closet. "Here put this on." She laid out a floral dress and a black cardigan. Then tossed a pair of black boots. "Alright, will do." I took the clothes and went into her bathroom, changing into the clothes that she had given me. "Okay how does it look?" She looked me up and down, already changed into the outfit she would be wearing.

          "It looks amazing. Just like I thought. Now. Let me do your make-up and hair." I nodded and she sat me in the seat in front of her desk. She tied my hair back before putting all the makeup on and then brushed my hair, slightly curling it. "There. Perfect." I smiled and she handed me the boots from earlier. "Here. And then we can head to school." I nodded and slid on the shoes, standing up. "Alright let's go."

          We got to the school and Lydia went ahead of me  as we walked up the steps. Allison ran up to us and walked on the left side of Lydia. "You really don't remember anything?" She nodded as we walked up the steps. "They called it a fugue state, which is basically a way of saying "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days." But personally, I don't care. I lost nine pounds."

         I nodded. "Yeah, Yeah I've heard of that. It happens when your body goes under sever stress. Being attacked like that is definitely stressful." We stood by the front door and Allison looked at Lydia. "Are you ready for this?" Lydia fixed her hair quickly and nodded. "Of course I am. I mean it's not like my aunt's a serial killer." I bit my lip as we went inside. Of course people stared at Lydia as she walked in ahead of Allison and I.

       She froze and looked around at the people in the hallway as they stared at her. I leaned down to her, "Maybe it's the nine pounds." She blinked quickly and nodded before continuing down the hallway as if everybody hadn't just been completely judging her. Allison and I followed until we got to Lydia's locker.

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