What happens next?

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                Kira's house wasn't a place I had been too often. Actually, I've never been there. Unless you count the day that Barrow took her and we found Scott knocked unconscious out on the sidewalk outside of it. Then that would tally up to two visits. Then, and now. Stiles sat next to me as Noshiko brought over two glass cups. "Here. It'll calm you." Stiles looked at it slightly, "What is it?"

          "Tea." He took the cup as he glanced up at her, "What? Like magic tea?" Noshiko shook her head slightly, "No, chamomile tea. Drink it." Kira's dad came into the room and glanced over us, "He's not safe here." I sighed and leaned onto my hands. "Well he's not exactly safe anywhere is he." Kira put a hand on my back, causing me to smile lightly at her. "But Allison killed one of them. Doesn't that mean something? She killed an Oni. Is that even possible?"

            Noshiko nodded tightly from her seat. "I'm not sure how." Kira shifted in her seat as she faced her mom. "But she did it. She killed one of them." Stiles slightly scoffed and fiddled with his hands. "Yeah, and then they killed her. Allison's dead. Now I guess the only good thing is it looks like I'm dying, too." I maneuvered my body so I could lean my head against his arm and I shook my head. 

           "That's not a good thing. At all." Kira's mom sighed and moved her attention to Stiles. "He made a powerful move by splitting the two of you." Stiles shifted on the couch as he looked at Noshiko. "So what's our move?"

           "At this point, you need a divine move." I looked at her confused, "What's a divine move?" 

             "In the game of Go, it's what we call a truly inspired, or out-of-the-box move. The Nogitsune has had sente, the advantage, until this point. What you need is a divine move in order to turn the game around." Stiles sighed heavily, "Is anybody feeling divinely inspired?" Kira moved her hand off my back as she looked at her mom. "Mom, you said you trapped it in a glass jar, right?" She shook her head slightly, "It wasn't the jar that trapped it. It was where I buried it." 

         Stiles nodded slightly, "The Nemeton."

          "A place I don't know too much about. Who does?" I sat up, "Deaton. Deaton does." Standing up, I got my phone out and called Scott. "Scott." 

            "Jayla? What's up." I grabbed the wrist holding the phone with my opposite hand. "Kira's mom. She said that she had kept the jar with the nogitsune in it buried in the nemeton. I don't exactly know what that means and neither does she. But I'm pretty sure Deaton will." 

           "So what do you want me to do?" I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "Talk to Deaton? See what exactly he knows about it." He sighed heavily, "Alright. Meet us there." Rolling my eyes I nodded, "Alright fine. Bye." I hung up and went back into the living room. "We have to meet them at the clinic." Stiles nodded and stood up but nearly fell over. "Okay, well you need to rest and I'm not putting my life in your hands with you like this."

         Sighing, he took out his keys and I nodded, "Good. Now Kira can you help me get him  to the jeep?" She nodded and put one of Stiles arms over her shoulder like I did and we brought him out to the jeep putting him in the backseat. "Okay so we go to the animal clinic. Stiles, you good?" He nodded as he sat forward, his head against Kira's seat. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

          I nodded slightly and started the jeep before driving to the animal clinic. "I had this sudden rushing feeling, like we're running out of time." Stiles leaned more on my shoulder as we went into the back room on the clinic. "Yeah. Yeah, I had that feeling too." Scott, Lydia and Deaton turned as we entered the room. "Derek's meeting us at the school." Stiles nodded, "Alright, Jayla Kira and Lydia can come with me and we'll meet you there unless you want to go In the jeep." I rose my hand slightly, "P.S. I'm driving." 

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