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      "Mmm, pass. Pass. Let me see. Pass. Pass. Uh, pass on all of it. Allison, respect for your taste is, uh, dwindling by the second. This." Lydia spoke while filing through Allison's clothes, her distaste clear on her face.

      I sat on the bed looking at the clothes being thrown onto the bed. The pile was already up to my side, a bunch of shirts and dresses. 

      Allison's dad came in and Allison turned to him. "Dad, hello?" He looked down slightly before looking back up at her.

"Right I totally forgot to knock." Allison sighed deeply and nodded. "Hi Mr. Argent." He smiled faintly and waved as Lydia said hello as well. "Dad did you want something?" He nodded. "Yeah, right you're not going out tonight."

Allison's face dropped and she shook her head. "What do you mean? I'm going out with my friends tonight?" He shook his head and sighed. "Not when some animal out there is attacking people." I stood up and smiled sweetly. "Mr. Argent I can assure you that Allison-" He cut me off by holding up his hand. "It's out of my hands. There's a curfew." Allison stepped up behind me. "Dad, dad, uh"

"No one's allowed out past 9:30 P.M. Hey, no more arguing." He left the room and Allison sighed. "Somebody's daddy's little girl." Allison closed her eyes for a second before opening them and grabbing a knit hat off her bed. "Sometimes. But not tonight."She did a forward flip off the roof and smiles up at us. "What are you doing?"

"Four years gymnastics. You guys coming?" Lydia and I scrunched up are faces and I pointed behind us. "We'll take the stairs." I nodded in agreement. "Yeah less suspicious." We turned and went down the stairs. "By Mr. Argent. Mrs. Argent."

Victoria, Allison's mom, waved. "By girls. Sorry Allison wasn't able to go out." Lydia nodded and pulled me out of the house. We went to Lydia's car and Allison ran to get in while I opened the door and got in the back. "Okay so Jayla we'll drop you off at your house, unless you'd like to join us." I shook my head. "Thanks but no thanks. I don't think I should fifth wheel, let alone on my brother's date."

Allison turned to me. "Are you sure? You could always bring Stiles last minute." I shook my head again and bit my lip. "No I think I'll be good. Just chill at my house." She nodded and turned towards the front.

We pulled up to my house but on the other side of the street and I got out quickly. "Bye! Have fun, well as much fun as you can have with my brother anyway." Allison let out a giggle and they drove away. I turned and started up the driveway quickly in the dimly lit night.

I went inside and closed the door behind me.I went upstairs to take my shoes off and take a quick shower. When I got out I changed into pajamas and sat on my bed quietly with a Harry Potter book. The door closed downstairs and I jumped running back down the stairs. "Mom! Hey, how was work?" She smiled and hugged me. "It was exhausting, like usual. How was your day?"

"Boring and tiring. School sucks." She nodded and looked at me. "I'm going to go to bed." I nodded. "Okay night mom." She kissed my forehead and went upstairs. "Night Jayla." I stayed in the kitchen, making a sandwich when I heard my mom shriek from upstairs.

When I got up there she was standing in Scott's door frame with a bat. "Stiles, what the hell are you doing here?" I couldn't see him but I can imagine his facial expression being shocked that she just said that with a bat in her hand. "What am I doing? God, do any of you even play baseball?" Mom sighed and stepped out of the doorway for me to get by. "What? Can you please tell your friend to use the front door?"

" But we lock the front door. He wouldn't be able to get in." Mom shook her head, putting her hands on her hips. "Yeah, exactly. And, by the way, do either of you care that there's a police - enforced curfew?" Without a glance at each other Stiles and I both shook our heads. "No." Mom sighed and nodded at us. "No. All right then. Well, you know what? That's about enough parenting for me for one night, so good night."

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