shifting directions

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                     "Wake up. Jayla, wake up." I groaned as I rolled over, my face hitting something that wasn't a pillow. "No, come on get up. I'm driving us to the reserve and you have to get up." I was lifted off the bed by my shoulders and my eyes snapped open. "Stiles I just want to sleep." Stiles placed a hand on my cheek and nodded, gazing at me. "I know you do, but I think your mom, my dad and Allison's dad are more important." As soon as he said that I threw the blanket off of me and got up, slipping on my shoes quickly.

                I didn't forget about what was going on, but sleeping disorientated me yet the second that I got my head cleared and clenched my jaw once I stood up. "Well what are you waiting for Stilinski let's go." Once I said that Stiles nodded quickly and followed me out of the room and then out of the house. There was an obvious storm brewing ahead of us and saying it made me nervous would be an understatement. 

            "When we get to that it's going to be hell seeing." He glanced at me and I nodded, hitting his arm. "Stiles shut up and drive. Just keep your eyes ahead and don't get us killed." That would have been good advice if the second we entered the storm all vision was practically lost. "I can't see." I glanced at Stiles as he squinted ahead of us. "Jayla." I hummed slightly and he glanced at me quickly. "Buckle up. Just in case." He sounded slightly scared so I quickly buckled up. 

          As he drove he leaned forward slightly, trying see clearer, then he groaned. "Come on. Whoa, sh-- Oh. Whoa!" Stiles swerved the jeep as a tree came into view but he still hit it. A scream came out of my mouth before I blacked out. 


            "Stiles. Stiles wake up." My hand lifted up to his neck and let out a sigh of relief when there was a pulse. I slid over the middle console and onto Stiles' lap. "Come on Stiles wake up." He was still unconscious and I bit my lip nervously. "Stiles. You have to wake up." As I said that I gripped his shoulders and shook them. He had blood down his forehead and I frowned. An idea came to me and I reached up to his cheek and pinched him. 

         Once I did that Stiles gasped as his eyes shot open. "Wha- oh god J-jayla, you're, what happened?" He furrowed his eyebrows and put his hands on my face, turning it slightly. "You're bleeding." I nodded slightly and shook my head. "I don't care, we have to go." I turned and went back over the middle console. Stiles and I got out at the same time and he grabbed my arm along with a bat. "What is it with you and that bat?"

        "It's my only form of defense. Now, like you said. Parents." I nodded and followed after Stiles into the reserve, we crossed the small creek that we went over the day after Scott got bit and my foot slid but before I could fall Stiles grabbed my arm. "Whoa, be careful." He held onto my arm as we walked through the woods and my hair was being blown all over the place. "Look I see it." We came across the huge tree stump and I noticed it was collapsing. 

         Before Stiles could react I grabbed his bat and ran to the opening I saw and put the bat up to keep the roof from falling. Stiles followed after, hugging his dad. "Mom." My mom was sat next to Stilinski and I slid over to her, quickly throwing my arms around her. "Where's Scott?" I glanced at the people in here and furrowed my eyebrows. 

       "Scott's not here?" Isaac shook his head. "No, he went with Deucalion to fight Jennifer." 

         As Isaac said that Stiles' phone buzzed. "Scott?" Immediately my head snapped over to Stiles and he glanced at me. When I furrowed my eyebrows he nodded to me to come over to him. I took the phone from him and sighed. "Scott?"

         "Jayla. You okay? You're safe?" I smiled lightly and but my lip. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay. We're all okay. How about you, you okay?"

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